
Exclusive video interview with New Zealand Opposition leader, John Key

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wikinews' Gabriel Pollard sent questions to New Zealand's Leader of the Opposition, and leader of the National Party, John Key. Key answered the questions in the form of a video blog, which you can reach from the links below:

Mr. Key discusses how and why he participates in video blogging, and the details of his video blogging activities, and other related activities such as using Flickr to post images.

Key has video blogs (or 'vlogs') on his website, dating back to 23 March of this year; other videos on the site reach back to 30 January. His most recent blogs have been about climate change policy and the 2007 national budget. Other members of the NZ National Party also 'vlog', bringing the total number of videos for YouTube user "NZNats", which the party operates under, to 56. There are 64 subscribers.


This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.