FBI confirms that ricin was not found at the University of Texas

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

The FBI has confirmed that the chunky substance discovered in the Moore-Hill dormitory at the University of Texas on Thursday is not the poison ricin.

Ricin is one of the most deadly poisons in the world and can exist in the form of a pellet, mist, or powder. Some symptoms of exposure can include vomiting and dehydration, sweating, nausea, fever, cough and difficulty of breathing.

An earlier report by the Associated Press had said tests had found the substance might be ricin. Such tests are designed to error on the side of caution, thus ensuring that possible poisoning victims receive treatment in time.

Last year there were similar false positive reports of ricin in London, which were further publicized by Vice President Cheney and Secretary of State Colin L. Powell.


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