FIFA bans Sergio Jadue for life

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Friday, May 6, 2016

File photo of Sergio Jadue, 2013.
Image: tu Foto con el Presidente (Flickr).

Today, the Ethics Committee of FIFA (the International Federation of Association Football) sanctioned the former president of the Chilean Football Association (ANFP) and former vice president of CONMEBOL (the South American Football Confederation), Sergio Jadue, with a lifetime ban from participating in any activity to do with football.

From December 4, Sergio Jadue was investigated for having participated in a FIFA corruption and fraud scandal. He admitted his involvement.

FIFA in its statement today upheld the life ban for Jadue and cited violation of FIFA code of ethics Articles 13, rules of behavior; 15, disloyalty; 18, duty to cooperate; 19, conflict of interest; and 21, bribery and corruption.

The same sanction also fell on former member of the executive committee of FIFA, former president of CONMEBOL, and former president of the Colombian Football Federation, Luis Bedoya, who along with Jadue was also investigated for corruption and fraud.

"FIFA ethics committee recommends lifetime ban of former FIFA vice-president" — Wikinews, May 6, 2016
