Full text of Ahmadinejad's letter to Bush made available online

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

The French daily Le Monde, which has a tradition of publishing full texts by politicians and intellectuals, was one of the first organisations to publish the full English text of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's letter to US president George W. Bush on May 9, 2006.

President of the USA- George W. Bush

On the same day, US daily The Wall Street Journal published a scan of the English text, and the Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) published the full text. In the UK, The Guardian published the full text two days later.

The full text of the letter included discussion of a wide range of international, social, political, economic and religious issues including proliferation of nuclear weapons, WMDs, the "War on Terror", "unified international community", "the possibility of the existence of WMDs in one country", Saddam Hussein, the Iran-Iraq War, Guantanamo Bay, the Holocaust, the establishment of Israel, the Palestinian legislative election in 2006, US vetoes of UNSC resolutions against Israel, Operation Ajax in 1953, the shooting down of the Iranian passenger plane Air Flight 655, Iran's nuclear program, September Eleven, economic inequality, international inequality, the monotheistic religions, and the liberal form of democracy.

"Ahmadinejad sends letter to George W. Bush" — Wikinews, May 8, 2006


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