G7 leaders warn Russia on unconventional weapons

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Map of the G7 countries. Countries in teal are in the European Union, but not members outright.
Image: File photo.

On Thursday, at a summit of the Group of Seven (G7) in Brussels, Belgium, the state leaders issued a statement warning Russia against the use of biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons during its invasion of Ukraine which began February 24.

In part, the statement read: "We warn against any threat of the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons or related materials. We recall Russia’s obligations under the international treaties to which it is a signatory, and which protect us all."

It continued: "We are resolved in our support to the Ukrainian people in their heroic resistance to Russia’s unjustifiable and illegal aggression. We will step up our support to Ukraine and neighbouring countries."

The G7 also insisted Russia comply with a March 9 order from the International Court of Justice to cease military operations in Ukraine.
