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Global Orgasm for Peace anti-war demonstration held yesterday

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Probably the most unusual massive anti-war demonstration was held yesterday, on December 22nd. The event was called Global Orgasm for Peace.

It implied that everyone in the world who wanted to contribute to peace around the globe could take part in the event by achieving orgasm on the 22nd of December.

According to the Global Orgasm for Peace organizers (Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffel) a person experiences feeling of peace both while experiencing orgasm and after it. They believe that synchronized orgasm, being a very large surge of human energy can "effect positive change in the energy field" of our planet.

The organizers welcomed every adult person to register for participating and together with thousands of people around the globe achieve orgasm through whatever way and in whatever place. Approximately 26,000 people had shown interest in the initiative, by November 21, although it is unknown how many formally participated in the event.

