
Google finds Microsoft bid for Yahoo 'troubling'

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Monday, February 4, 2008

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Google has said on its blog that it finds Microsoft’s attempt to buy Yahoo "troubling," and that Google believes "this [the purchase of Yahoo] is about more than simply a financial transaction, one company taking over another."

"The hostile bid by Microsoft to Yahoo is worrying," said David Drummond, the chief legal officer for Google. He continued by saying the takeover is "about preserving the underlying principles of the Internet: openness and innovation."

Press agency Europa Press said that Eric E. Schmidt and Jerry Yang know that the "possibility of launching a counter is not possible for Google."

Yahoo said that their executives are examining the offer from Microsoft, a process that they said may take some time.

The Google blog cited Microsoft’s alleged "inappropriate and illegal influence over the PC," as the reasons for their concerns. They continued by saying that “Microsoft has frequently sought to establish proprietary monopolies."

