Israeli Woman killed by Qassam rocket

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

An Israeli woman was killed early morning today by a Qassam rocket launched by Palestinian fighters from Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. Rockets were launched at the southern Israeli city of Sderoth and several other locations. Two rockets landed in the city, killing a 57-year-old woman and injuring a 24-year-old bodyguard of the Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz, who lives in the city. Several other people were treated for shock.

The bodyguard lost both legs due to shrapnel wounds and is still in surgery, several hours after the attack.

The Al-Quds Brigades, military wing of Islamic Jihad, took responsibility for the attack, saying they have launched "two sophisticated Quds rockets at a mid-range" as a retaliation for the IDF artillery shelling of Beit Hanoun earlier this month, in which 19 people were killed. Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Hamas' military wing, also took responsibility for the attack.

IDF officials said today that the attack was carried out from the area around Beit Hanoun cemetery, where large-scale Qassam launching operation is underway.

Another attack occurred hours later, when another rocket landed near several young men, injuring a 17-year-old youth severely and several others lightly.

With today's attacks, 10 Israelis have been killed by Qassam rockets since 2002 and over 270 injured. Attacks by Israel aimed at Hamas fighters have killed over 400 Palestinians including many civilians, since June this year.
