On Wednesday, the Internet Archive suffered a data breach of 31 million user passwords and screen names, as well as a wave of distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks, rendering the Wayback Machine inaccessible.
Filipino TV Host Willie Revillame has officially filed his Certificate of Candidacy (COC) with the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) on October 8, declaring his intention to run for senator in the upcoming 2025 midterm elections.
This past Tuesday researchers showed, for the first time, the possibility of water desalination without necessarily installing a large battery on site or connecting the water desalination system to the power grid.
This past Monday Kevin Kühnert stepped down as general secretary of the Social Democratic Party of Germany ahead of a national election in a year citing health problems.
The Ping River, Thailand's largest, reached its highest water levels in 50 years peaking at 5.3 meters on Saturday. The increased rainfall reportedly started after Typhoon Yagi in early September.
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