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Man shot after attempting to drive through US-Mexico border

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

San Diego, United States (left) - Tijuana, Mexico (right) border.

At 8:50 AM local time (15:50 UTC) a man attempting to enter the United States at the Tijuana – San Diego section of the US – Mexican border, tried to escape U.S. customs officers, after he could not provide official documentation. According to Lieutenant Kevin Rooney of the San Diego police department, "the agent referred the driver to a secondary inspection and he [the driver] quickly accelerated away."

The acceleration caused him to crash into a pickup truck. It is thought he was trying to force the other vehicle out of the way. When customs officers surrounded the vehicle, the driver went into reverse, which led to two officers opening fire on the vehicle. The man was shot only once and the wound was not life threatening.

Police officials believe the driver tried to flee because the vehicle was reported to have been stolen from Colorado.
