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Microsoft reports 60% profit increase

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Microsoft has reported a profit increase of 60%, attributed to the widespread success of its new operating system, Windows 7, the fastest-selling operating system ever. Net profit for the last three months of last year is $6.66bn, compared to $4.18bn for the last three months of 2008. Microsoft also reported revenue of $19.2bn, a record that exceeds analyst's forecasts by a large margin.

The software giant released Windows 7 in October 2009, and, since then, profits from Microsoft's client division, who makes Windows 7, has surged to 70%. However, the 'online division' reported a drop of 4.6%.

"Exceptional demand for Windows 7 led to the positive top-line growth for the company", said Peter Klein, CFO of Microsoft. Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft, Kevin Turner, attributed the growth to the consumer and business-sector reception of the new operating system, which, after its October 22 launch, had 234% more sales than Vista did when it was released.
