Minimum wage in United Kingdom increases to £5.35

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Sunday, October 1, 2006

A minimum wage increase has come into effect in the United Kingdom. Workers of ages over 21 will now receive £5.35, which at current exchange rates is US$10.03. There was also an increase for persons under 21. It is estimated that 170,000 people in the United Kingdom do not receive the minimum payments for their work. £1.3m has been recovered by Revenue and Customs for underpaid workers.

The minimum rate for persons aged 18-21 has increased by 20p to £4.45. Also, for persons aged 16-17, the minimum rate has increased by 30p to £3.30.

The new United Kingdom adult minimum wage is roughly twice the United States' minimum wage of $5.15. The young person minimum wage of £3.30 is equivalent to about US$6.15, the state minumum wage in Florida and other US states.
