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New allegations over the US e-mail scandal hit the Republican party

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Mark Foley

The United States media has revealed a possible romantic relation between a young congressional worker and Mark Foley. The media has also revealed that warnings on Mark Foley's conduct has gone as far back as 1995.

Mark Foley, a member of the House of Representatives caucus on missing children, resigned from seat in the House of Representatives last week after it was revealed that he had sent messages of sexual nature to young men on his staff, the youngest of which has been said to be 16-years-old.

Mark Foley's lawyer has said that his client denies having sexual contacts with a minor and the has checked into a rehabilitation center for alcoholism. His lawyer has also said that his client has declared being gay and that he was abused at a church in his early teens.

The United States president, George W. Bush, said that he was disgusted by Mark Foley's actions; but he defended the Republican House Leader, Dennis Hastert, who has refused to resign over his failure to address the issue sooner.
