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School Principal found dead in Tennessee classroom; teen held by police

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Police authorities say the body of Suzette York, 49, was found shortly after 11am on Wednesday morning in a classroom at Memphis Junior Academy in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. Police also state a 17 year-old male student, Eduardo Marmolejo, was later taken into custody and has been charged with first-degree murder. Reports indicate Ms. York had been a science and math teacher and was currently serving as the principal at the private academy affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

According to police, Ms. York was found lying in a pool of blood by another teacher at the school on Wednesday. The alleged assailant cited dislike and anger with York as motivating the attack. The court appointed two defense attorneys, who requested mental evaluation of the defendant.

A former student of the school described Ms. York as "a wonderful person who was very much involved with her students". The mayor of Memphis described the incident as "tragic all the way around".
