Sextuplets born in Vancouver, Canada

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Monday, January 8, 2007

Canada's first sextuplets, four boys and two girls, were born on the weekend of January 6th 2007 at the B.C. Women's hospital in Vancouver. The first baby was delivered vaginally, while the following 5 had to be removed by emergency caesarean section.

Dr. Liz Whynot, the Women's Hospital president said the first baby was delivered around 8:30 p.m. Saturday night, with the others born early Sunday. Whynot said the parents "... understand there is a lot of public interest in the birth of their babies, they are feeling overwhelmed. So they're asking for their privacy to be respected."

The children weigh about 800 grams each. The mother was reported to be in her 25th week of pregnancy and the babies will require a period of time in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit as most pregnancies last 40 weeks.
