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Shashi Tharoor starts his campaign for Secretary General of the UN

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Indian government has announced its support for Shashi Tharoor's candidature to the post of the Secretary General of the United Nations. Tharoor is a writer, journalist and is currently the Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information of the UN. Arguably the most powerful multilateral position in the world, the author will have his work cut out in trying to win broad based support for his candidature from the developed world.

Tharoor met the Prime Minister and President of India, who have expressed their solidarity and whole hearted support to his campaign. It is generally understood that Mr. Tharoor has the blessings of the incumbent Kofi Annan, with whom he has shared a long and fruitful working relationship.

Pakistan have threatened to nominate their own candidate, leading to speculation that the Asian vote may be fragmented. However, it remains to be seen if these threats are translated into action.

