Singapore student is world's fastest text messenger
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Sixteen-year-old student Ang Chuang Yang of Singapore has earned a place in the record books, thanks to his fast thumbs.
Yang typed a 160-character SMS message in just 41.52 seconds, beating the previous record by seven-tenths of a second. The student was competing in a competition organized by SingTel.
The record was first set by 18-year-old Ben Cook of Utah, two years ago. He soon lost the record to a girl in Asia, then won it back last July, "significantly besting his own previous typing speed", says the website impulse.
Each record is set by typing a standard text chosen by Guinness World Records, the organization to which the record has been submitted. The message reads: "The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human."
He claims his secret is using a phone with a larger keypad. Speech-to-text software recently introduced by mobile company Nuance is not allowed for use under Guinness rules.
[edit]- Reuters. "Singaporean is world's fastest text messager" — Yahoo News, 12 November 2006
- axxxr. "16-year-old Singaporean student has beaten the world record for sending the fastest SMS" — esato, 13 November 2006
- "SingTel Shootout winners" — SingTel,
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