South Australian Premier Rann wants apology from Hicks

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

South Australian Premier Mike Rann.

South Australian Premier Mike Rann has said that David Hicks, a convicted terrorism supporter, should apologise unconditionally to the Australian public for his actions.

Hicks, who was released from Yatala Labour Prison in Adelaide, was expected to make an apology upon release, but his lawyer read a prepared statement instead. He spent six years at Guantanamo Bay before being convicted of providing material support to terrorists.

Mr. Rann says it would be appropriate for Hicks to apologise.

"Rather than working for the Taliban, I think it's appropriate for Mr. Hicks to make an apology to the people of Australia," Rann stated.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has said that Hicks "should be treated no differently to any other Australian citizen in these circumstances".
