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Talk:Wikinews interviews Peter Coti, eyewitness to north eastern US storm

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by The New Mikemoral in topic Review of revision 977169 [Passed]

IRC log


[17:25] == Mikemoral [~4767633f@wikipedia/The-New-Mikemoral] has joined #wikinews-interview
[17:25] == irunongames [~ad36f55c@gateway/web/freenode/x-dsedtgtsgbhqnizv] has joined #wikinews-interview
[17:25] <irunongames> O hai
[17:25] <Mikemoral> Hello!
[17:26] <irunongames> So how will we do this?
[17:26] <Mikemoral> I ask, you answer?
[17:26] <irunongames> Hmm makes sense
[17:27] <Mikemoral> So could you explain the circumstances of the incident?
[17:28] <irunongames> Well on the morning of saturday it was a normal storm
[17:28] <irunongames> Bit windier then a normal one though
[17:28] <irunongames> Then at 4:30 EST (local time) power went out because of a downed tree
[17:28] <irunongames> I went to chirch
[17:28] <irunongames> *church
[17:29] <irunongames> When i got home it was like war of the worlds\
[17:29] <Mikemoral> How so?
[17:29] <irunongames> Wind gusts up to 90MPH
[17:29] <irunongames> And trees falling all over
[17:30] <irunongames> And White, Red and blue explosions of transformers
[17:30] <irunongames> All around town
[17:30] <Mikemoral> Do you know which areas are affected?
[17:30] <irunongames> All of ridgewoo NJ
[17:30] <irunongames> I could do some reasearch if you want
[17:30] <Mikemoral> Np, I got that.
[17:30] <irunongames> \Actually according to many people bergan county was affected
[17:31] <irunongames> ALL of it
[17:31] <irunongames> and southern parts of new york
[17:31] <Mikemoral> Besides tree, what other damage occured?
[17:31] <Mikemoral> *trees
[17:32] <irunongames> Well signs are on 45 degree angles
[17:32] <irunongames> but trees are blocking roads
[17:32] <irunongames> and their are powerlines in 1/2
[17:32] <Mikemoral> Is there any damages to buildings?
[17:32] <irunongames> Not that I have scene
[17:33] * Mikemoral thinks...
[17:33] <irunongames> The major problem is the trees
[17:33] <irunongames> They are blocking main roads
[17:33] <Mikemoral> Do you know of any injuries to people?
[17:33] <irunongames> Yes
[17:33] <irunongames> One sec
[17:33] <irunongames> I have a contact at a hospital
[17:33] == MisterWiki [~Diego@] has joined #wikinews-interview
[17:34] <Mikemoral> Hi, MisterWiki.
[17:34] <MisterWiki> hi.
[17:34] <MisterWiki> Want to listen this talk :)
[17:34] <Mikemoral> Okay, sit back an relax.
[17:34] <MisterWiki> Yay.
[17:35] <irunongames> Oh crap
[17:35] <Mikemoral> What?
[17:35] <irunongames> my uncle is in hawaii
[17:35] <irunongames> :/
[17:35] <irunongames> he is my contact at the hospital
[17:35] <irunongames> let me find a press #
[17:35] <Mikemoral> Gwah.
[17:35] <Mikemoral> I am the press.
[17:36] <irunongames> I know of at least 3 deaths and 5 injurys
[17:36] <Mikemoral> Is there any other details of these deaths and injuries?
[17:38] <irunongames> i know a tree fell on someones car
[17:38] <Mikemoral> Can you explain what happened?
[17:39] <irunongames> asking
[17:40] <irunongames> 4th transfer
[17:40] <Mikemoral> I need a title...
[17:41] <Mikemoral> Wikinews interview Peter Coti, err...
[17:41] <irunongames> 5th transfer
[17:41] <Mikemoral> eyewitness to New Jeresy storm?
[17:41] <Mikemoral> *Jersey
[17:41] <irunongames> north east
[17:42] <irunongames> (regin of the US)
[17:42] <irunongames> not jersey
[17:42] <Mikemoral> north eastern US storm
[17:42] <Mikemoral> Wikinews interviews Peter Coti, eyewitness to north eastern US storm
[17:42] <irunongames> any more questions
[17:42] <irunongames> i don't have much time
[17:43] <Mikemoral> Lemme think for a second.
[17:43] <irunongames> my freind is hijacking this laptop for video games
[17:43] <irunongames> Errrrrr
[17:43] <irunongames> You: how long untill power is restored
[17:43] * MisterWiki is aftershocked
[17:43] <Mikemoral> NOO!!!
[17:43] <irunongames> They say in 2 days
[17:43] <irunongames> O_O
[17:43] <Mikemoral> Thanks for the interview
[17:43] <irunongames> O_o
[17:44] <irunongames> Do I get a toy?
[17:44] <Mikemoral> You get a article with you name in it.
[17:44] == juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikinews-interview
[17:44] <Mikemoral> Can you stay on while I put this together?
[17:44] <irunongames> WHAT!?
[17:44] <Mikemoral> Hi juliancolton.
[17:44] <juliancolton> hello
[17:45] <irunongames> I said "good luck with the efforts of rebuilding" to MisterWiki
[17:45] <irunongames> i don't get a good bye!!!
[17:45] <MisterWiki> :)
[17:45] <irunongames> Seee he is smiling
[17:45] <irunongames> I am :(
[17:45] <MisterWiki> I'm a bit scared, but what more can I do?
[17:45] <MisterWiki> :P
[17:45] <irunongames> your interview manners are arocious Mikemoral
[17:45] <irunongames> *atrocious
[17:46] <Mikemoral> Gah, I'm am used to email interviews. :p
[17:46] <irunongames> Liez
[17:46] <irunongames> Also school is cancled
[17:46] <MisterWiki> lies!
[17:47] <MisterWiki> Yay!
[17:47] * MisterWiki wants to go to US!
[17:47] <irunongames> You can stay in my house!
[17:47] <irunongames> When the power is back'
[17:47] <MisterWiki> xD
[17:47] <MisterWiki> Mikemoral, let me know when you finish the article, to translate it to spanish ;)
[17:47] <irunongames> MisterWiki: you can sleep next to my dead bodies!
[17:48] <MisterWiki> you scared?
[17:48] <irunongames> Yes
[17:48] <MisterWiki> I'm very scared. Very close to the epicenter and you never know what's gonna happen.
[17:48] <irunongames> Trees are still fallin :s
[17:48] <Mikemoral> Okay Misterwiki
[17:48] * irunongames huggles MisterWiki
[17:48] <irunongames> Better?
[17:48] * MisterWiki huggles irunongames :)
[17:48] <irunongames> Yay!
[17:48] * MisterWiki falls down
[17:48] * irunongames watchs a branch fall through the roof
[17:48] <irunongames> OH SNAP!
[17:48] <MisterWiki> very strong aftershock!
[17:49] <irunongames> :S
[17:49] * irunongames waits for it to be official on the #wikinews chan
[17:50] <irunongames> MisterWiki: will you ever come to the US?
[17:50] * MisterWiki wants to go soon
[17:50] <MisterWiki> I think I'll can next year, with an exchange program.
[17:50] <MisterWiki> I want to end the school in the US.
[17:51] <Mikemoral> I know a person from Mexico doing so.
[17:51] <irunongames> End?
[17:51] <irunongames> Enter?
[17:51] <irunongames> I knew a foregin exchange student
[17:52] <irunongames> he didn't know how to say how to use the restoom
[17:52] <irunongames> He had to make gestures of peeing
[17:52] <Mikemoral> Heh.
[17:52] <irunongames> "I need to go, how you say *urination motions*"
[17:52] <irunongames> Ohhhh you need to go pisss
[17:53] <irunongames> He went to the teacher and screamind "I NEED TO GO PISS"
[17:53] <MisterWiki> I NEED TO PISS!
[17:53] <irunongames> Misterwiki belives "fuck" is a word for "crap"
[17:53] <irunongames> :P
[17:54] <MisterWiki> O NOES
[17:54] <MisterWiki> El corte sorprendió a las personas que se encontraban presentes en centros comerciales y en eventos masivos, como el partido entre La Serena y Audax Italiano -que fue interrumpido-, y el recital solidario "Rock por Chile", que se realizaba en el Movistar Arena, en la capital.
[17:54] <MisterWiki> bah.
[17:54] <MisterWiki> fuck
[17:54] <MisterWiki> v. follar, joder
[17:54] <MisterWiki> x
[17:54] <MisterWiki> s. relación sexual, fornicación, copulación, coito, ( (joder: practicar el coito, cogida (familismos) )
[17:54] <MisterWiki> :O
[17:55] * MisterWiki is ashamed
[17:55] <irunongames> oh MisterWiki what will we do with you :P
[18:02] == irunongames [~ad36f55c@gateway/web/freenode/x-dsedtgtsgbhqnizv] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[18:03] <Mikemoral> sic here, and sic there. :p
[18:03] == irun-ipod [~irunipod@pool-173-54-245-92.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #wikinews-interview
[18:03] <Mikemoral> Hello
[18:03] <irun-ipod> Boooooooooobiiiiiieeeeessss
[18:04] <irun-ipod> That's what happens when my freind usesmy iPod
[18:05] <irun-ipod> Mikemoral: Got a update
[18:05] <Mikemoral> Ooh, do tell.
[18:05] <irun-ipod> I want to add the fact transformers lit the sky up for miles
[18:06] <irun-ipod> Aome for a few sec
[18:06] <irun-ipod> Some for 30 min
[18:06] <Mikemoral> Who said this?
[18:06] <irun-ipod> Me :p
[18:06] <irun-ipod> Wait did I say min
[18:07] <Mikemoral> Not verifiable...
[18:07] <irun-ipod> I ment sec
[18:07] <irun-ipod> I hate this auto complete
[18:07] <Mikemoral> Heh.
[18:08] <irun-ipod> I have freinds on the other side of town who also saw these
[18:08] <Mikemoral> Then, I can add.
[18:09] <irun-ipod> Also power is back for businesses
[18:10] <Mikemoral> Methinks more is needed: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews_interviews_Peter_Coti,_eyewitness_to_north_eastern_US_storm
[18:10] <irun-ipod> One sec brb
[18:11] <irun-ipod> Back
[18:12] <irun-ipod> Hmmmm
[18:12] <irun-ipod> Ask me a question
[18:12] <irun-ipod> Ohhhh I have one
[18:13] <Mikemoral> What ask I?
[18:13] <irun-ipod> How are emergency services responding
[18:13] <Mikemoral> And you say?
[18:13] <irun-ipod> Well I have been told that every vaulent
[18:14] <irun-ipod> Er end and cop is on duty
[18:14] <Mikemoral> Er end?
[18:14] <irun-ipod> Voulenter not er
[18:14] <irun-ipod> Damn iPod
[18:14] <Mikemoral> Ah.
[18:15] == Tempodivalse [~4a6b4e33@gateway/web/freenode/x-seacrgrfemxfvtuc] has joined #wikinews-interview
[18:15] <irun-ipod> Also all police resourcesrs are being used from under cover cars
[18:15] <irun-ipod> To bikes
[18:15] <irun-ipod> Anything with a serien really
[18:16] <Mikemoral> Hi tempo.
[18:16] <Tempodivalse> Hallo, Mikemoral.
[18:16] <irun-ipod> Also I constantly here seriens every few min
[18:16] <irun-ipod> Tempe :)
[18:16] <Mikemoral> Wie geht's Ihnen?
[18:17] <irun-ipod> O.o
[18:17] <Mikemoral> German...
[18:17] <irun-ipod> Icbw w
[18:17] <Mikemoral> Fwah.
[18:17] <Tempodivalse> doing well, danek
[18:17] <irun-ipod> Ish will daz booze
[18:17] <Tempodivalse> *danke
[18:17] <Tempodivalse> my german is #fail ...
[18:18] <irun-ipod> I am learning German I
[18:18] <Mikemoral> I'm using spellcheck :p, German II
[18:18] <Tempodivalse> meh, chinese is more interesting
[18:18] <irun-ipod> When I gt to highschool
[18:18] <Tempodivalse> Ni hui shwo putonghua, Mikemoral? :-b
[18:18] <irun-ipod> To hard
[18:19] <Tempodivalse> No, chinese is *easy*! common misconseption. once you get around the intonation difficulties, the grammar is much, much easier than any other language i've come across
[18:19] <Mikemoral> Que?
[18:19] <Mikemoral> And the upside down ?.
[18:20] <Tempodivalse> no plurals, conjugations, articles, or declensions to worry about in chinese
[18:20] <Tempodivalse> there are only a few hundred words in total
[18:20] <Mikemoral> Wow.
[18:20] <Tempodivalse> for more complex words, they just combine the simple words
[18:20] <Tempodivalse> i.e., computer is "thinking machine."
[18:20] <Mikemoral> Heh.
[18:20] <irun-ipod> Ask me more questions
[18:20] <Mikemoral> Like German...
[18:21] <irun-ipod> Where is dragon
[18:21] <irun-ipod> Is his net down
[18:21] * Mikemoral thinks
[18:21] <Mikemoral> Tempodivalse, ideas? http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews_interviews_Peter_Coti,_eyewitness_to_north_eastern_US_storm
[18:22] * Tempodivalse thinks.
[18:22] <Mikemoral> Oh, how are the telephone services and other forms of communication working?
[18:22] <Tempodivalse> we probably could avoid [sic]
[18:22] <irun-ipod> Tempodivalse: Think harder!!!!!
[18:22] * Tempodivalse thinks harder.
[18:22] <Mikemoral> Tempo, I know. I'll fix.
[18:23] <Tempodivalse> since, it's obvious what irun said
[18:23] <Mikemoral> irun-ipod: how are the telephone services and other forms of communication working?
[18:23] <irun-ipod> Their are no phone lines working
[18:23] <irun-ipod> Cell phone
[18:23] <Mikemoral> What aout the wireless phones?
[18:23] <Mikemoral> *about
[18:23] <irun-ipod> And my freind midi
[18:23] <irun-ipod> They can communicate
[18:24] <Tempodivalse> Heh. I was within a kilometre of a tornado once. That would have made a great scoop of OR, but that was before wikinews even existed :-(
[18:24] <Mikemoral> :(
[18:25] <Tempodivalse> irun-ipod: can't think of any good questions to ask, Mikemoral seems to have covered everything.
[18:25] <Mikemoral> What was that about the celluar phones?
[18:25] <irun-ipod> They are the only way to communicate
[18:26] <Mikemoral> Ah.
[18:26] <irun-ipod> And my freinds midi
[18:26] <Mikemoral> Which is?
[18:26] <irun-ipod> Mifi
[18:27] <Mikemoral> Mi-fi?
[18:27] <Mikemoral> I #fail.
[18:27] <irun-ipod> It's a portable router
[18:27] <Mikemoral> Oh, right the verizon thing.
[18:28] <Tempodivalse> MisterWiki: i'm copyediting your article
[18:28] <Tempodivalse> oh, bah. Wrong channel
[18:28] <MisterWiki> Thanks.
[18:29] <Mikemoral> Do you have a picture you'd want used, irun-ipod?
[18:30] <irun-ipod> One sec
[18:30] <Tempodivalse> A pic would be great.
[18:30] <Tempodivalse> Don't forget, it has to be freely licenced.
[18:30] <Mikemoral> Or copyrighted :p
[18:30] <irun-ipod> Where do I email them
[18:30] <Mikemoral>
[18:31] <Tempodivalse> can't you upload pictures directly to the wiki?
[18:31] <Mikemoral> I dunno if ipod can.
[18:32] <Tempodivalse> oh. i forgot, thought you were behind a computer ...
[18:32] <irun-ipod> It is on my freinds phone
[18:32] <MisterWiki> Mikemoral, don't you bother about the corrections I did to the article?
[18:33] <Tempodivalse> aha.
[18:33] <Tempodivalse> right.
[18:33] <Mikemoral> My email is waiting.
[18:33] <Mikemoral> Misterwiki: lokking
[18:34] <Mikemoral> Oh, wait, I can't review, my Spanish is suckish.
[18:34] <MisterWiki> No, your article.
[18:35] <Mikemoral> Misterwiki: That's good, thanks.
[18:35] <MisterWiki> :)
[18:36] <Mikemoral> irun-ipod, has it sent?
[18:36] <irun-ipod> Sending them Mikemoral
[18:37] <irun-ipod> One sec
[18:37] <Mikemoral> thanks
[18:37] <irun-ipod> Got it
[18:38] <Mikemoral> I'm stupid, I forgot to open my email client. :p
[18:39] <irun-ipod> Oh wow Mikemoral
[18:39] <Mikemoral> Yep.
[18:39] <irun-ipod> Remember ur pills
[18:39] <Mikemoral> Nope. I ran out. :p
[18:40] <Mikemoral> What license do you chose?
[18:40] <irun-ipod> Cc
[18:40] <irun-ipod> No rights reserved
[18:41] <Mikemoral> -By-SA-3.0
[18:41] <Mikemoral> CC-0?
[18:41] <irun-ipod> What ever wiki uses
[18:41] <Tempodivalse> no rights reserved generally = PD. some rights reserved = CC-something
[18:41] <Tempodivalse> basically, CC means you need to be attributed.
[18:41] <Mikemoral> CC-BY 2.5
[18:42] <Mikemoral> it is.
[18:42] <irun-ipod> Do cc
[18:42] <Mikemoral> What city again?
[18:42] <irun-ipod> Ridgewood
[18:43] <Mikemoral> Thanks.
[18:43] <irun-ipod> And it's a villiage
[18:43] <irun-ipod> Noob
[18:44] <Mikemoral> Same thing in Calif.
[18:44] <irun-ipod> Nj
[18:44] <Mikemoral> CA!
[18:44] <irun-ipod> Nj
[18:45] <Mikemoral> SoCal!
[18:46] <Mikemoral> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:14_March_2010_fallen_tree_%281%29.jpg 1st
[18:46] <Tempodivalse> also in queens, australia, and canada. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridgewood
[18:46] <Mikemoral> Heh.
[18:46] <Tempodivalse> Wow. that looks bad.
[18:46] <irun-ipod> Yes
[18:47] <irun-ipod> Want more
[18:47] <Mikemoral> Maybe one more?
[18:48] <irun-ipod> Won't have the
[18:48] <irun-ipod> till tmmrw
[18:48] <irun-ipod> All we could get today
[18:48] <Tempodivalse> Mikemoral: did you use the irc logs as sources on the storm article?
[18:48] <Tempodivalse> on teh talk page?
[18:49] <Mikemoral> I was gonna forward to scoop.
[18:49] <Tempodivalse> ok, but shouldn't it be on the talk too?
[18:49] <Tempodivalse> for better verification? dunno.
[18:49] <Mikemoral> I always though scoop from my CDC interview.
[18:49] <Mikemoral> 2nd: File:14 March 2010 fallen tree (2).jpg
[18:50] <irun-ipod> I hear seriens close
[18:50] <Mikemoral> 2nd: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:14_March_2010_fallen_tree_%282%29.jpg
[18:50] <irun-ipod> Should I follow?
[18:51] <irun-ipod> One more right?
[18:51] <Mikemoral> Yes please.
[18:52] <irun-ipod> Wait till tmrw
[18:53] <Mikemoral> Okay.
[18:54] <irun-ipod> I don't want rub around in the
[18:54] <irun-ipod> Dark with trees falling
[18:54] <irun-ipod> Run
[18:55] <Mikemoral> Heh.
[18:55] <irun-ipod> I hear weirs noises
[18:55] <irun-ipod> :/
[18:55] <irun-ipod> Weird
[18:57] <irun-ipod> Oh wow
[18:57] <irun-ipod> My greind has more then he said
[18:57] <irun-ipod> One sec
[18:57] <Mikemoral> Well, http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews_interviews_Peter_Coti,_eyewitness_to_north_eastern_US_storm
[18:58] <irun-ipod> He is sending u the whole batch
[18:59] <irun-ipod> More In bound
[18:59] * Mikemoral checks
[18:59] <irun-ipod> Ok just sent
[19:00] <Mikemoral> Tempodivalse: What is the image gallery template?
[19:00] <irun-ipod> U get em?
[19:01] <Mikemoral> Yep.
[19:01] <irun-ipod> K
[19:02] <irun-ipod> why is my freinds email
[19:02] <irun-ipod> Iricjtruth315?
[19:02] <irun-ipod> Richtruth
[19:02] <Tempodivalse> uhm, don't know.
[19:02] <Mikemoral> Idk.
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> <gallery> tags wont' work?
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> i prefer them to the templates
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> look nicer
[19:03] <Mikemoral> The fancy js thing...
[19:03] <MisterWiki> Mikemoral, sources?
[19:03] <Mikemoral> Hmm, for what?
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> try the formatting used for this gallery, Mikemoral http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Haitian_earthquake:_in_pictures
[19:03] <MisterWiki> Mi-Fi?
[19:03] <irun-ipod> Ya
[19:04] <Mikemoral> Ok.
[19:05] * MisterWiki goes to create a gallery for the Chilean earthquake
[19:07] <irun-ipod> I think my cut is infected
[19:08] <irun-ipod> Theirs weird colors in it...
[19:10] == juliancolton_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikinews-interview
[19:11] == irun-ipod [~irunipod@pool-173-54-245-92.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:12] == irun-ipod [~irunipod@pool-173-54-245-92.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #wikinews-interview
[19:12] <irun-ipod> O.o
[19:12] == juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[19:12] == juliancolton_ has changed nick to juliancolton
[19:12] <MisterWiki> WiFi fail.
[19:13] <Mikemoral> Done
[19:13] <irun-ipod> My freind stopes the wifi
[19:13] <MisterWiki> Danke Mikemoral
[19:13] <irun-ipod> Ich will das beir
[19:14] <MisterWiki> Es geht mir gut heut nacht.
[19:14] <MisterWiki> ;)
[19:14] <irun-ipod> How's the
[19:14] <irun-ipod> Interview going
[19:15] <MisterWiki> Don't you have a radio near?
[19:15] <irun-ipod> No
[19:16] <irun-ipod> Those are old school
[19:16] <MisterWiki> :O
[19:16] <MisterWiki> They're useful when there's no power ;)
[19:17] <irun-ipod> To expensive
[19:17] <irun-ipod> I want one with police scanner
[19:17] <MisterWiki> I have one that is almost US 4 worth.
[19:18] <MisterWiki> 2000 Chilean pesos.
[19:18] <irun-ipod> Nice
[19:19] <MisterWiki> It uses 2 cells.
[19:19] <MisterWiki> And they have been useful this time.
[19:19] <Mikemoral> Done: http://enwn.net/32Ab0
[19:20] <irun-ipod> Copy paste intrerview in talk
[19:20] <Mikemoral> I will. <gallery> tags wont' work?
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> i prefer them to the templates
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> look nicer
[19:03] <Mikemoral> The fancy js thing...
[19:03] <MisterWiki> Mikemoral, sources?
[19:03] <Mikemoral> Hmm, for what?
[19:03] <Tempodivalse> try the formatting used for this gallery, Mikemoral http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Haitian_earthquake:_in_pictures
[19:03] <MisterWiki> Mi-Fi?
[19:03] <irun-ipod> Ya
[19:04] <Mikemoral> Ok.
[19:05] * MisterWiki goes to create a gallery for the Chilean earthquake
[19:07] <irun-ipod> I think my cut is infected
[19:08] <irun-ipod> Theirs weird colors in it...
[19:10] == juliancolton_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikinews-interview
[19:11] == irun-ipod [~irunipod@pool-173-54-245-92.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:12] == irun-ipod [~irunipod@pool-173-54-245-92.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #wikinews-interview
[19:12] <irun-ipod> O.o
[19:12] == juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[19:12] == juliancolton_ has changed nick to juliancolton
[19:12] <MisterWiki> WiFi fail.
[19:13] <Mikemoral> Done
[19:13] <irun-ipod> My freind stopes the wifi
[19:13] <MisterWiki> Danke Mikemoral
[19:13] <irun-ipod> Ich will das beir
[19:14] <MisterWiki> Es geht mir gut heut nacht.
[19:14] <MisterWiki> ;)
[19:14] <irun-ipod> How's the
[19:14] <irun-ipod> Interview going
[19:15] <MisterWiki> Don't you have a radio near?
[19:15] <irun-ipod> No
[19:16] <irun-ipod> Those are old school
[19:16] <MisterWiki> :O
[19:16] <MisterWiki> They're useful when there's no power ;)
[19:17] <irun-ipod> To expensive
[19:17] <irun-ipod> I want one with police scanner
[19:17] <MisterWiki> I have one that is almost US 4 worth.
[19:18] <MisterWiki> 2000 Chilean pesos.
[19:18] <irun-ipod> Nice
[19:19] <MisterWiki> It uses 2 cells.
[19:19] <MisterWiki> And they have been useful this time.
[19:19] <Mikemoral> Done: http://enwn.net/32Ab0
[19:20] <irun-ipod> Copy paste intrerview in talk
[19:20] <Mikemoral> I will.

Review of revision 977169 [Passed]

Sorry, IRC is really not grammar friendly. Mikemoral♪♫ 04:37, 15 March 2010 (UTC)Reply