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  • See this template's documentation before attempting to make use of it!
It is important that you review the parameters!

Some parameters may require the creation of sub-pages in order to have portal-specific details displayed on the final rendered portal page.

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The free news source you can write!
SECURE ACCESS • Friday, February 14, 2025, 20:47 (UTC)
Error: leads not specified!
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Invalid cover parameter, "{{{cover}}}"


[edit] Template documentation

This is the new Wikinews portal template. Currently in development, but designed with significant future-proofing. It is important that the appropriate CSS is in-place for the page to be correctly displayed!

As this template is still in development, you should review both the parameters listed as available in this documentation and what the code actually supports.


The following parameters can be specified when creating a "Portal:<whatever>" page employing this template:

  • topic= <Wikinews category>
This parameter specifies the already-in-existence category that the portal pertains to. Valid values might include "Europe" or "Health". This parameter is assumed to be usable as a category in Portal-specific Dynamic Page Lists.
Use of a value with no corresponding Wikinews category will result in a page with no articles on it.
  • redirect= <namespace/project>:<topic>
This is for a 'further reading' purpose. When using a topic parameter of "Belgium", it may then be appropriate to have the Portal title be hyperlinked to Category:Belgium, or to Wikipedia:Belgium]. Which is most appropriate is, currently, at the discretion of the Portal creator.
  • DPL_limit=<max articles in main DPL>
This is an absolute maximum number of articles to display in the Portal's list of most-recent news.
  • leads=[ none|1..5 ]
This controls the number of leads that may be displayed on the portal. Where none is specified, the following parameter - introduction -
introduction = Text to be displayed where lead 1 normally appears. This is displayed where "leads=none" is specified, or all leads are now stale.
  • cover = [ none|geographic|topical|both|custom ]
"none" causes no coverage details to be displayed.
This specifies the coverage links to be presented to the user.
"geographic" will cause the major continental-level topics to be displayed (Africa, ...).
"topical" causes the major topical categories (Politics and conflicts) to be displayed.
"both" causes geographic and topical category links to be displayed.
"custom" allows for the display of a portal-specific set of links. For example, for Portal:Europe it would be possible to create Portal:Europe/Subtopics and by specifying "cover=custom", that page would be inserted instead of one of the standard set of Portal/topic links.

See also