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Escalation of the NEWS Scandal developing fast

Escalation of the NEWS Scandal developing fast

The Scandal effect has resulted in Ms Rebecca Brooks' resignation (expected) before Murdochs` Summons (his arrogance was laid bare when he and his son refused to appear before but agreed when Summoned. Atleast his Legal Advisors are sane. He can be an American Citizen but not beyond Her Majesty`s Summons) .FBI is also looking into the 9/11 hacking for any wrongdoing. 

Are you trying to use others as Pawns and sacrifice them to appease the British media by publishing an apology in NOWT Newspaper, Rupert Murdock ?

People are not going to fall for your gestures. Be realistic & please refrain from HOODWINK in symathethtic gestures .

If politicians fall for you, so be it. But learned younger generation has woken up. Your ploy may work. Even the MIGHTY fall.

Rajveetee (talk)12:04, 15 July 2011