Balance in all discussions, guns shouldn'y be a disruptor of truth or reporting

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Balance in all discussions, guns shouldn'y be a disruptor of truth or reporting

    Because of these deaths and this article one is biased to believe that guns are terrible and that suicide is somehow illegal, immoral and unethical.  For those who chose to take their own life no one of us can refute their choice, it is every person's right to chose.
    Removing every firearm will not stop suicides.
    Those who want to take their own life will find many ways to achieve their goal, the device used isn't important or significant.  To conclude that someone who makes that choice is mentally ill is ridiculous.  The reasoning just isn't valid.  I would like to see how many suicides occurred in the U. S. in 2015 compared to death by cancer, by vehicle accident, by falling or jumping from a height, from assaulting a police officer, from death by drugs (accidentally or intentionally), etc.  I'm sure that among all suicides gun use aren't significant, but I'm sure that gun suicides are reported without fail.  Too many politically correct persons will find too many accidents are not suicides when in fact they were. (talk)18:24, 30 December 2016

There is indeed a non-neutral subtext to the article, which is why we issued the {{correction}}.

Pi zero (talk)18:58, 30 December 2016