same sex marriage

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I think again we are parsing words because we live in a sound-bite world where the winner of the argument tends to be the one who can hang the best nametag on his team or goal.

Abortion kills human beings. Saying "fetus," which is Latin for baby, instead of "baby," is papering over the issue. Calling it "choice" when a woman decides to terminate her unborn baby's life and "anti-choice" when there are any limits applied, is doublespeak. Saying "marriage equality" instead of "homosexual marriage" or "marriage between two men or two women" likewise is weasel-wording, just as the news media sides against Israel every day by calling Bethlehem and Judea "the West Bank" (which is what Trans-Jordan started calling it in 1948).

I don't demand *zero* abortion, but in modern times there are not many cases where the mother's life is truly in danger and can only be saved by destroying her child. Whereas, those in opposition seem to honestly believe that a twelve-year-old girl should be able to get an government-funded abortion immediately with no questions, no counseling, and her parents don't need to be consulted.

Oh, and FYI, deeming your opposition *insane* comes at the end of a conversation, or at the beginning of a war.

Wymck (talk)19:33, 28 May 2013

You are the one starting to 'assume bad faith'; my remarks about the quality of debate were not aimed at you. But, at the "ideologue's" position you seem to back.

Brian McNeil / talk20:15, 28 May 2013