Strong Independant woman

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It also ignores TB, Yellow Fever, and Penile Thrombosis. My point is your argument Menorrhagia does not change the fact that the President lacks the authority to pass a tax through regulatory agencies. That the first amendment prohibits the compulsion of an act which violates moral conscious of an individual and oh yeah, your right to anything ends at the right of others to due process when it comes to their property. Any questions.? You are really stuck on Menorrhagia. And if you paid more attention to the article you cited in wikipedia, you would know the risk factors for Menorrhagia are: • Obesity • Anovulation • Estrogen administration (without progestogens) • Prior treatment with progestational agents or oral contraceptives increases the risk of endometrial atrophy, but decreases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia or neoplasia

Sounds like the risk of oral contraceptives might well balance the out the benefits. Because I had to deal with after my wife stayed on oral contraceptives to long, but that is neither here nor there, because I paid for them. You want to discuss the risks of Norplant? In spite of which they were emplaced in teen girls in England without the consent of the Girls or their parents. You know, lower class types who breed too much. You only have to read some of the garbage out of the left and planned parenthood to understand where all of this going, from a right, to an obligation. And serfs always have to oblige by the wishes of their Lord and Master.

I really don't care what you do, but I have no wish to be involved, please do not drag me into your "private affairs" by demanding I help pay for it. Or try to drag me and mine into serfdom with you. (talk)16:34, 27 March 2012

Again, you seem to be ignoring other forms of contraceptives, other than oral contraceptives, such as Intrauterine device.

-- Cirt (talk)17:07, 27 March 2012