Slightly in Support of Wikileaks

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Because an American is better then any other person, ammaright! Who cares if some sandniggers die accidentally, like some 700, and then they deny it? Not like they matter, lol. (talk)22:57, 29 November 2010

That was pretty offensive, dude. Sure, American lives are more important, but you don't have to use racial slurs. An American is also more valuable than a white Canadian, wouldn't you agree? Race has nothing to do with it. Just divine favor. (talk)18:07, 1 December 2010

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic, regarding the comment made by

Δενδοδγε τ\c18:13, 1 December 2010

Thats a big 'duh'. I think the other guy was also sarcastic, witch is kinda bad.

And if you notice, Wikileaks releases false names. They've stated that they changed the names several times. BTW: If you wanna save lives, don't decide to conquer other countries. (talk)08:34, 9 December 2010