Three children taken from New Mexico compound

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three teenagers have been taken from a compound in New Mexico, United States after it was alleged that minors in the compond, called the Lord Our Righteousness Church were being abused.

A person from the compound said, "Recently representatives from CYFD [Children Youth and Family Department of New Mexico] came to our land and kidnapped three teenagers who are part of our family here." He continued, " I call it an abduction because that is how God views it. There were no moral grounds for them to be taken."

This story has updates
See Leader of Lord Our Righteousness Church jailed on charges of sexual contact with minors


Wikipedia Learn more about Lord Our Righteousness Church and Child abuse on Wikipedia.
Some information contained in this article was obtained from television, radio, or live webcast sources. Reporter's notes and the broadcast source details are available at the collaboration page.