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Three dead in workplace shooting in Georgia, USA

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

According to police reports, three people have been killed and two others injured in a workplace shooting at a truck rental business located near the city of Kennesaw, Georgia. Joe Hernandez, an officer with the Kennesaw Police Department, said that a suspect has been captured and arrested in the incident.

The suspect, Jesse J. Warren, walked into the Penske Truck Rental business Tuesday afternoon wearing camouflage and opened fire on the business. Five people were shot in all, three have been killed and two others have been injured in critical condition. Hernandez described the subject as "an older white male, in good condition, in police custody."

According to a hospital spokesperson, all five were transported to WellStar Kennestone Hospital. "Investigators are speaking with everyone who would have been in side the business and had information," said Hernandez.
