Two Prime Ministers banned from Fiji

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Friday, February 2, 2007

Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard.
Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark.

The Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand, John Howard and Helen Clark, have been banned from travelling to Fiji following the discovery of Ms Clark's and Mr Howard's names on an immigration list by Fiji Television.

The Immigration Department list bans people from entering Fiji, and bans some people from leaving Fiji. The list also contains the names of civil and political activists, businessmen, politicians, and trade union officials.

Ms Clark says that self-appointed Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe "Frank" Bainimarama is only digging himself a bigger hole and that it would be unwise to listen to anything that Mr Bainimarama had to say.

Mr Bainimarama said that if he can't visit their countries, then they shouldn't be allowed to visit his country.

Both Australia and New Zealand had already put a ban in place preventing high ranking politicians and officials from entering either country because of their disapproval of the recent Fijian coup which Mr Bainimarama led. The two countries have also imposed other sanctions.
