United Nations Security Council imposes sanctions on North Korea

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North Korea
UN Security Council Chamber New York

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously voted to impose sanctions related to weapons on North Korea.

The resolution demands that North Korea 'suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program.

The resolution requires all UN member states to prevent imports from or exports to North Korea of missiles and missile-related items as well as materials that could be used in weapons of mass destruction.

However, in order to keep China from vetoing the resolution, the resolution was not passed under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which is used on a legally binding document. However, the resolution is considered mandatory because of the way it is worded.

China and Russia proposed a resolution with weaker language, but later agreed to this tougher resolution.

North Korean ambassador to UN Pak Kil-yon spoke after the vote and criticized some members of the Security Council for attempting to isolate North Korea. He also vowed that North Korea will continue with its missile testings.
