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Right now I am pseudonline.

Name Etymology

Tryggr == Truth in Old Norse, a language that hearkens back to my ancestors.

Major Contributions


US city police officer disciplined for drawing gun -- Original Reporting
Hotel Rwanda hero tours USA
Tyco executives found guilty G8 expectations not met

Contact Info

  • AIM: A2Diesel
  • Skype: a2diesel

Useful WikiReferences


Development Tasks

  • Basic scripting in templates (if/else logic is all that is needed)
  • Infobox auto-creator (working on this in PHP so even idiots can quickly create customized infoboxes)
  • 'Source' button on edit page to insert generic source
  • Search results need to have a "sort by date" option because date is more relevant in news than MediaWiki's "relevancy" calculations - which are rather irrelevant to our news.