Wikimedia Foundation among World Economic Forum's 2008 Technology Pioneers
Thursday, November 29, 2007
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Out of a record number of applications and 273 nominees, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has chosen the Wikimedia Foundation as one of the 2008 Pioneers of Technology. 38 other organisations or companies have also been selected for the list of pioneers.
"Technology Pioneers are companies that have been identified as developing and applying highly transformational and innovative technologies in the areas of energy, biotechnology and health, and information technology," said a press release issued by the Forum.

The Wikimedia Foundation was chosen in part because of the ability to provide free, collaborative knowledge which is distributed by people all over the world and its involvement in "the development of life changing technology innovation" with the "potential for long-term impact on business and society, demonstrating visionary leadership and having a proven technology," referring to Wikipedia, Wikinews, Wikiversity and Wikimedia Commons.
"We are honored that the Wikimedia Foundation was chosen as a technology pioneer. However, I must point out that the organisation itself is only partly responsible of our amazing success in developing and applying highly transformational and innovative technologies in the area of information. The real recognition goes to the thousands of Wikimedians, editors and developers of MediaWiki, all over the world, who have been the source and the spirit of our projects in the past seven years. The award really goes to them," said Chair of the WMF Board of Trustees, Florence Devouard.
"The nomination is a reminder of the amazing things humans can accomplish when working collaboratively and positively together. It is also the inspiration we need to continue empowering world citizens to share in the sum of all human knowledge. Allow me to use this opportunity to say to all those who have worked so hard to make Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects so valuable: thank you," added Devouard.
Among some of the requirements for a company to qualify or be nominated to be a technology pioneer, they must meet a certain criteria such as "innovative technology, potential of impact on society, growth and sustainability, proof of concept, leadership and status meaning the organization cannot already be a member of the Forum or affiliated with it.
"By partnering with the best brains and the smartest ideas in the world, organizations can deliver innovation at the speed of their customers' lives. The Technology Pioneers 2008 will make great innovation partners for any organization that chooses to do business with them," said technology officer Matt Bross.
The winners are chosen by a panel of technology experts for the WEF.
Among other organizations or companies to be given the honor includes,, NuLens Ltd., RainDance Technologies Cima NanoTech Inc. and Silver Spring Networks. The companies come from the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands and Russia. What makes the Wikimedia Foundation unique, is they are apparently the only non-profit organisation on the list.
The WEF, founded in 1971, operates on an international and independent level and is "committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas."
Forty-seven other companies and organisations became pioneers in 2007.
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