Wikinews:Tech/Android Reader

All about the Android Reader Application
Overall Goals
- Read Wikinews on the phone
- Use as little bandwidth as possible
- Cache data
Features/Requirements Roadmap
1.0 Overview: Minimal version that functions as a reader application for Wikinews on the Android platform.
- (DONE) Main screen -- Article list, last updated
- (DONE) Settings screen -- Download mode (all/on demand).
- (DONE) About screen -- About wn, who made app, how to support, copyright
- (DONE) Article read screen -- Article title, last updated, article text
- (DONE) Submit bug screen -- user email (optional), bug summary, bug description, device information
- (DONE) Main screen will list most recent 20 articles
- (DONE) Article screen will display text ONLY version of article. No templates (Except sources) or images.
- (DONE) Article screen & main screen will display links to launch browser to big web version
- (DONE) Menu popup needs link to settings & submit bug screen
1.5 Overview: Add caching support & UI enhancements
- Cache support (SQLLite)
- By default all pages will display cached version, update in background
- Force refresh (Button)
- Make application look pretty
- Ability to "save" stories (specifically mark for retention versus standard cache)
- User side display adjustment, text size
- Show read versus unread articles.
- Main screen tabs: Latest, Saved
- Main screen: Display first line of article text
- Anonymous usage statistics
2.0 Overview: Multi-lingual support (UI & Articles)
- Popular news list
- UI Themes? Vector, monobook, simple
- Support additional article formatting
- Support for one image per article.
- Support for leads + Main screen tab.
Multi-Lingual Support
- Interface needs translating -- Preferably into as many languages as possible.
- Server side data fetch is biggest challenge
- What languages to support?
- SR/ES have stolen EN's design - _should_ be fairly simple to adapt.
- PL/DE rank 3rd/4th in size.
- Search?
- Comment - LQT API support dependent. Also would require ability to login to wiki
- Category filtration
Feature Request / 4.0 & Beyond
- Editing
Application Names
Currently named "Wikinews Reader". Might not be the best. Other options?
- Wikinews Reader
- Wikinews
- Wikinews Mobile (WP app is "Wikipedia Mobile")
- Wikinews2Go
Installing Pre-Release Version
Before you install the pre-release version of the application, you need to allow "unknown sources" on your device. Since the application is not yet signed for the market. WARNING: This will allow you to install all sorts of other bad things if you aren't careful. Keep that in mind.
- Launch Settings
- Applications
- Check Unknown Sources
Once you've allowed Unknown Sources, all you need to do is download & install the application.
- Open the android browser
- Goto to:
- Or shorter URL:
- Download the most recent APK file
- Open the APK
The application will install as "Wikinews Reader" and you can launch it like any other application.
Screenshot Gallery
The main screen lists the latest 20 articles
The entire point of the application, to be able to read a story
You gotta have an about screen - text is temporary
An easy to use, built in, bug reporting screen
Getting to all the "extra" functionality is accessed via the Menu popup