Wikinews:Tech/Eclipse SVN
How to setup Eclipse to use SVN
How to
[edit]- Eclipse
- Help
- Install new software
- Work with "Galileo"
- Search for 'SVN'
- Check "Subversive SVN Team Provider"
- Next
- Finish
- Eclipse will ask you to restart, do so
- When it comes back, it will request you to install from a list of 6 packages. Install the latest version of each (there are different bits)
- Restart Eclipse Again
Checking out a project
[edit]This only needs to be done the first time you work on a project
- In Eclipse: Project
- Project from SVN
- Create a new Repo
- URL:
- Username: Generally your username (@gmail) - check
- Password: This is NOT your normal password. Get your password from:
- Next
- URL will default the the same as the previous screen
- Browse
- Finish
- On the 'Check Out As' screen
- Select "Check out as a project with the name specified"
- Put in the project name (EX "WikinewsReader")
- Next
- Default workspace location & working set
- Finish
How to get Latest
[edit]Every day, before you start, you need to update yourself to the latest code base
- Open Eclipse & the project (Ex from above "WikinewsReader")
- Right click on the project (in Package explorer)
- Team
- Update
What to do if you add a new file
[edit]If you add a new file, you need to instruct SVN to add it to the project
- Right click on the new file (in Package explorer)
- Team
- Add to version control
- OK
How to check in your changes
[edit]At the end of the day, or when you're at a good stable point, you need to check in the code. Please don't checkin code that doesn't compile unless you ABSOLUTELY have to, and are getting someone elses help promptly to fix it.
- Right click on the project (in Package explorer)
- Team
- Commit
- Enter a comment. Include any bugs you're fixing (And their number, if from the issue tracker) along with a basic desc of your changes (or any new features).
- Hit OK
Important note: DO NOT check in /gen/ or /bin/ (If SVN tries to, cancel out > right click on the folder in the project view > Add to SVN:Ignore )