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WikiNews Network
About | Schedule | Questions | Proposal

NOTE: "WNN" is not an official Wikinews project. It is a project proposed by a few, and is widely opposed and rejected by the Wikinews community. Any "WNN" material is the result of a private effort and does not represent the efforts of the Wikinews community.

How to Listen


Listen to Beta Broadcast


(not always on)

Media Players That Support Icecast Streaming

These media players are known to work with icecast2

ApplicationPlatformDownload Link
foobar2000 (mp3 + ogg vorbis)Windows 98/NT/2000/XP
Winamp 2.x, 5.x (Not 3.x)(mp3 + ogg vorbis)Windows 98/NT/2000/XP
XMMS(mp3 + ogg vorbis)Unix
Zinf(mp3 + ogg vorbis)Unix/Windows

Once You Have A Player: Listen to WNN! (M3U link, or, you can also click .PLS or .OGG)
(WNN does not broadcast 24/7 yet, please feel free to check-out our schedule)

NOTE: WikiNews Network has a new BETA broadcast method, please feel free to let Ryan524 know about any problems you experience.

Listen to Regular Broadcast


(show not always playing, we almost always have at least something playing though) (The following are recommended players by NullSoft, the makers of the streaming server software.)

  • Windows users can use Winamp
  • Mac users can use Audion.
  • Linux/X Windows users can use XMMS

Once You Have A Player: Click Me to Listen To WNN (PLS)
(WNN does not broadcast 24/7 yet, please feel free to check-out our schedule)