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Wikinews Shorts: June 4, 2008

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

A compilation of brief news reports for Wednesday, June 4, 2008.

German defense minister: Troops to be in Afghanistan for years

Franz Josef Jung, the German defense Minister, today said that troops may remain in Afghanistan for as long as ten years. He said that troops should withdraw when the Afghan troops are able to manage the incidents in the country.


Police: Theft of railway track could have cause crash

Police have claimed that the theft of 171 tonnes of railway tacks from a train line between London and Wales could have resulted in a serious crash. “A piece of railtrack could have struck a passing train and caused a serious rail crash, but fortunately this did not happen,” said the local police, in a statement. Anthony Porretta recently pleaded guilty of the theft at Bristol Crown Court.
