Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Alberto Suárez Laso
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Image: Laura Hale.
With the IPC Athletics World Championships scheduled to start this Friday, Wikinews interviewed Spanish T12 classified long distance runner Alberto Suárez Laso at Madrid–Barajas Airport Monday before he departed for Lyon, France. Suárez is scheduled to compete in two events, the T12 5,000 meters and marathon events.
)) Hi this is Laura Hale. I'm interviewing Alberto Suárez, who is a visually-impaired runner competing for Spain in the IPC World Championships. What events are you doing? ((es))Spanish language: ¿En qué eventos estás?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : Marathon and 5000m. ((es))Spanish language: Maratón y 5000m.
)) You have a World Record? Are you going to smash it and give Spain a gold medal? ((es))Spanish language: ¿Vas a romper el record mundial y darle a España un oro?
- Alberto Suárez Laso: This time it's a bit complicated because I'm going a bit injured. ((es))Spanish language: Esta vez está un poco complicado porque voy un poco lesionado
)) Ah. You finished second in London [the 2012 Summer Paralympics]? ((es))Spanish language: ¿Terminaste segundo en Londres?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : I finished first.
)) The injury has impacted you training? ((es))Spanish language: ¿La lesión ha perjudicado tu entrenamiento?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : For the last three weeks I've been doing gym and walking machine only. I have pain in my Achilles tendon. ((es))Spanish language: Llevo tres semanas solo con gimnasio y elíptica. Tengo dolor en el tendón de Aquiles.
)) So, as someone who writes from an international perspective, do you think Spain's got all that stuff to help you properly? The medical support, stuff to help you recuperate and be a great runner?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : I hope so. We're there, they've been treating me very well and I hope to be able to run without pain, which is the most important thing. I've got the training, but I need to remove that pain. ((es))Spanish language: Espero que sí. Estamos ahí, me están tratando bastante bien y espero correr sin dolor, que es lo fundamental. La preparación la tengo, pero hay que quitar ese dolor.
)) Do you run with a guide?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : No.
)) Okay, so are you T-13?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : T-12.
)) Oh. So it's optional for a guy at T-12?
- Translator : He could, but he's not too badly impaired. He can run by himself.
)) So is your preference to run without a guide?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : It's complicated because of the pace I run at. I would require several guides, and it's hard to find them. ((es))Spanish language: Es una complicación por el ritmo al que corro. Necesitaría varios guías y es dificil conseguirlos.
)) Do most of your competitors run with guides?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : Not among the first ones. Well, there are a couple that do run with guides, but the rest don't. ((es))Spanish language: Los primeros no. Bueno, hay un par de ellos que corren con guía, los demás no.
)) Is there anything you would like to say about this competition coming up that people from an international sporting community would find valuable to know?
- Alberto Suárez Laso : Mm, I don't know what to say!
)) Okay. Thank you very much! ((es))Spanish language: ¡Muchas gracias!
- Alberto Suárez Laso : You're welcome! ((es))Spanish language: De nada.