Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Gustavo Nieves Campello
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Image: Laura Hale.
With the IPC Athletics World Championships scheduled to start this Friday, Wikinews interviewed Spanish T12 classified long distance runner Gustavo Nieves Campello at Madrid–Barajas Airport yesterday before he departed for Lyon, France. Nieves is scheduled to compete in two events, the T12 5,000 and 10,000 meter events.
)) Hello this is Laura Hale, I'm interviewing Gustavo Nieves Campello for English Wikinews. You're competing at the IPC Athletics World Championships in Lyon. What events?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : 5000m and 10000m.
)) And are you one of Spain's medal favorites?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : Not...really. Bronze medal, maybe. It's difficult. The African runners are very good.
)) Do you think coming from Spain and competing in Europe you have an advantage over the Africans who have to travel more? ((es))Spanish language: Si crees que siendo de España, bueno de Europa, y compites con los africanos, ¿eres favorito?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : No, I don't think I am a favorite.
)) Who else are you competing with? Are there any Australians or New Zealanders you have to beat to have to come longer? ((es))Spanish language: Si tienes que ganar a un australiano o algún neozelandés o algo.
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : No, there are no Australians in the event.
)) You're vision-impaired? Do you run with a guide?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : Yes, and no.
)) So how bad is your vision in terms of impacting your running compared to people who've got full sight? ((es))Spanish language: ¿Cómo de mala es tu visión comparada con las personas que tienen visión perfecta?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : Blurry vision and tunnel vision. ((es))Spanish language: Visión borrosa y poco campo visual
)) You lost your sight at 17? Really suddenly? You did Athletics before? ((es))Spanish language: ¿Cuándo empezó? ¿A los 17?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : Yes, at 17. Before I played football.
)) Oh, that's right, you considered becoming a pro football player. And you never considered five-a-side football?
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : No, no. I began to run and here I am.
)) Thank you very much!
- Gustavo Nieves Campello : Thank you.