
Category:January 15, 2005

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Wikinews Staff Reports —The following stories made international headlines Saturday:

Indonesia warns Christian aid workers to help, not to evangelise

Indonesian officials are warning religious-based organizations that aid workers traveling to Sumatra should not try to convert Islamic tsunami survivors to other religions. The country is the most-populous Muslim nation in the world.

Source: Associated Press

Wikipedia turns four years old

Our sister project, Wikipedia, celebrates its fourth anniversary today. The English version of the free encyclopedia has nearly 450,000 articles.

Sources: Wikipedia: Wikipedia Day

Island nations fear rising sea levels

In the aftermath of last month's South Asian tsunami, some small island nations point out to similar future dangers caused by rising sea levels due to global warming.


U.S. Army specialist sentenced to ten years for Abu Ghraib abuse

A U.S. Army court martial jury found Specialist Charles Graner guilty of abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib and sentenced him to ten years in prison.

Source:ABC News
