Should people be prosecuted for colluding in torture? If so, who?

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Should people be prosecuted for colluding in torture? If so, who?

That was the question posted on this. . i have never used this service before so pardon me for any ignorance on etiquette. Anyways niceness aside, absolutely people should be prosecuted for colluding in torture. I dont think the operatives actually doing the torture are to be persecuted because they have (and justifiably so) the defence of "I was just following my orders". On the other hand the people making these orders should definitely be held accountable. I really dont see how or why this should be any different from the Nuremburg trials. (talk)21:14, 10 February 2010

Indeed, the Nurmeberg Defence has been repeatedly rejected in pretty much every jurisdiction it has been attempted in. Some, however, may be able to argue the threat of duress. That is something I think hasn't been properly looked at - how many of the abusers are frightened of the alternative to obeying orders?

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)21:32, 10 February 2010

To paraphrase a quote, we are all resposible for what we choose to do and will be judged on that.

Guardianstatue (talk)02:22, 11 February 2010

Whom shall be the judge?

And what the penalty for those who seek to rewrite the law to exempt their crimes?

Brian McNeil / talk03:11, 11 February 2010
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 05:17, 14 February 2010

the only way that this sort of thing to be stopped and for the western world to regain any remnants of respect is to admit these crimes and charge the Political equivalent of a CEO the law allows for this so it would take little modification

In a similar issue where a deliberate act of negligence or such that a person is injured or killed the blame ultimately becomes the problem of the administration charge these Politicians

Gary Roberts

BRISBANE AUSTRALIA (talk)05:15, 14 February 2010

They should be have a life time sentence in PRISON. (talk)02:27, 15 October 2010