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Terry Teen, 1960s Rockabilly artist, injured in collision

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Terry Knutsen, a man who achieved some notoriety in the 1960s with the novelty song Curse of the Hearse, was seriously injured in a collision late Wednesday evening, according to sources close to the singer. Mr. Knutsen, 70, routinely billed himself under the stage name Terry Teene and some sources indicate he may have recorded as many as 300 songs. Yesterday morning, local media reports indicated that his condition was listed as "critical", but a source close to Mr. Knutsen described his condition yesterday morning as "grave". File:Dad terry teen fan.JPG

Image: Dnugg2020.
(Image missing from Commons: image; log)


Terry Teene and Homie the Clown.
Image: Dnugg2020.
(Image missing from Commons: image; log)

Reports indicate that Mr. Knutsen struck a tow truck while he rode his bicycle along Highway 110 along the outskirts of Tyler, Texas on Wednesday evening. A passerby describes seeing "...a smashed up bicycle covered in...plastic bags and...a yellow raincoat..." lying at the scene of the accident.

Mr. Knutsen has performed for many years throughout Texas as a professional clown. He made a brief (uncredited) appearance many years ago on one episode of the hit television show In Living Color. Sources indicate he also had minor roles in various films.

This story has updates
See 1960s Rockabilly music artist Terry Teen dies aged 70, March 12, 2012


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.