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Comments:'Stop being so damn respectful' say free speech supporters in London

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Retard107:50, 12 October 2012
Comments from feedback form - "It is entertaining"019:49, 17 February 2012
What is happening to good old England!307:19, 17 February 2012
Comments from feedback form - "Good report. Very clear accoun..."123:54, 14 February 2012
what jesus and mo comic?423:04, 14 February 2012
...314:06, 13 February 2012
Comments from feedback form - "I seriously doubt that Profess..."121:20, 12 February 2012
free speech017:09, 12 February 2012
"unlike Islamic scholars, a true 'scholar' studies more than one book"116:19, 12 February 2012

Will this respect elimination include faggots and retards and niggers and jews? Or, just religious people? (talk)04:12, 19 February 2012

Faggots, retards and niggers don't have a chance to choose what they are or how they're born. Religious people do have a chance to remedy their shortcoming, however. (talk)07:50, 12 October 2012

Comments from feedback form - "It is entertaining"

It is entertaining (talk)19:49, 17 February 2012

What is happening to good old England!

What is happening in England, in many other English nations, and in some similar nations is not isolated happenings. The quietude of the nations are being spoiled by a very dangerous communication systems that prevail in Asian and African nations. The factor of feudalism, and respect/insult, pejorative/ennobling etc.

The issue at hand is not easy to understand from English, for what is there in the Asian/African languages are not there in English. Communication moves through certain routes of respect and subordination. Even if people think, believe and stress that they are free and independent in thoughts and action, the truth is that they all act, behave and collectively move as per the hidden codes in the language codes.

In the near future, the posterity, I mean the children of the actual natives of these nations will face a draconian social system. The political leadership is totally in ignorance of what is happening or about what is going to happen.

The issue is basically not connected to Islam as such. For, even such feudal communication can be totally haraam to Islam. Which in short may even mean that the Asian Muslims are not truly Islam as per Islamic tenets. But just members of Asian feudal social systems that function in absolute feudal form.

Ved Victoria Institutions (talk)09:52, 16 February 2012

I deleted your userpage adverts, Ved.

Self-published, I assume from the above.

Brian McNeil / talk12:14, 16 February 2012

I did not know that what I was doing was a violation here. In all Blog posting that I do online, links are given to my writings. They are not advertisements per se, but more or less part of my profile. The content matter would more or less always be in tune with the ideas mentioned in the postings. I have no objections to the deletion here. Each place has it own rules and possibly idiosyncrasies.

Ved Victoria Institutions (talk)04:21, 17 February 2012

If you have a history of published contributions, nobody would mind links to your blog. Otherwise is seen as linkspam, and treated as such.

Brian McNeil / talk07:19, 17 February 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Good report. Very clear accoun..."

Good report. Very clear account of the opinions expressed at the rally. (talk)22:13, 11 February 2012

Beautiful rally and it is quite fitting. Tell Indians/Muslims how to act in front of a Memorial for the white Emperor of India. (talk)23:54, 14 February 2012

what jesus and mo comic?

I'm not aware of the background behind this, and a description of and/or link to said comic might be helpful, since it's mentioned twice and I have no idea what this is about.

sonia00:28, 12 February 2012

The stupid thing is that it actually isn't a Jesus and Mo cartoon, just the cover image from the Jesus and Mo book. It's posted in this blog post on the New Humanist website. (As Jesus and Mo is some form of CC NonCommercial license, I didn't post it because blergh, copyright.)

Tom Morris (talk)00:37, 12 February 2012

Ah, okay. Maybe the mention of it in the text could be made a little clearer?

sonia00:40, 12 February 2012

Ever heard of the internet? (talk)22:45, 14 February 2012

It's a series of tubes, right?

Pi zero (talk)23:04, 14 February 2012

There is no pit too low for Atheists to sink to. I suppose racism on their part was only inevitable. (talk)16:37, 12 February 2012

You seem to be under some some sort of deep misapprehension about the nature of atheism. The fact that you incorrectly capitalize the word atheist is symptomatic, as is your apparent perception of racism in advocacy of free speech.

Pi zero (talk)17:19, 12 February 2012

Racism? But the whole point of many speakers at the rally is that charges of racism are just a technique to get people to shut up and not say horrible mean things about religion, like that it's stupid, wrong or false.

Hey, look, it's Muhammad!

Tom Morris (talk)21:25, 12 February 2012

Religions are not races dummy. If you would read something that didn't come from the church library, you would know that. Please, please get yourself deprogrammed. You are doing great damage to society by allowing ignorance to prevail. (talk)14:06, 13 February 2012

Comments from feedback form - "I seriously doubt that Profess..."

I seriously doubt that Professor Dawkins would limit his "stop being so damn respectful" remark just to Islam. I'm pretty sure he'd include Christianity -- hell, ALL superstitions -- in that suggestion. (talk)20:47, 12 February 2012

No, Dawkins didn't limit it to Islam.

Tom Morris (talk)21:20, 12 February 2012

free speech

Government and fundamentalist religions have a common cause in trying to foreclose free speech.

fredd (talk)17:09, 12 February 2012

"unlike Islamic scholars, a true 'scholar' studies more than one book"

This joke by Dawkins somewhat annoyed me. Quick search in Google or Wikipedia would disprove this and make it a silly joke, so why make it in the first place? Don't Atheists, secularists and supporters of free speech know this bit about Islam? Perhaps the whole point is to 'offend' those who we disagree with? Anyone with answers?

Bahraini Activist Talk to me15:24, 12 February 2012

Some jokes seek to contrast literal truth with a deeper obvious falseness, while others seek to contrast obvious literal falseness with a deeper truth. That joke is intended, I think, to be of the second kind: obvious literal falseness contrasting with a deeper truth.

That said, from what I know of Dawkins, he tends to be quite abrasive. He sometimes manages to get even atheists mad at him.

Pi zero (talk)16:19, 12 February 2012