Singer Britney Spears loses custody battle

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Monday, October 1, 2007 File:Britney-Spears082.jpg

Britney Spears performing in Los Angeles, CA in 2004.
Image: BUDSMR.
(Image missing from Commons: image; log)

Pop singer Britney Spears will have to give up custody of her children following a court's ruling today.

Spears' ex-husband, Kevin Federline, is to have custody of their children by noon Wednesday.

According to Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Scott M. Gordon's ruling, Federline will retain custody of the children "until further order of the court."

The ruling came in part by the testimony of Spears' former body guard, Tony Barretto, who said that Spears had a substance abuse problem.

Barretto recalled this memory hours before a concert, "She appeared to be under the influence, she was kind of incoherent, she was looking for her cell phone ... she was biting her nails, her pupils were dilated, didn't conversate well, sweating, acting nervously."

Barretto said he knew Spears did drugs at least twice in Hollywood nightclubs.

25-year-old Spears and 29-year-old Federline were married in October of 2004 and have two children: Sean Preston, 2 and Jayden James, 1.

Starting September 18, 2007, Spears was ordered to submit random drug tests following her engagement in what the court called "habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances and alcohol."

Spears has also been ordered to spend eight hours a week working with a parenting counselor.

Also, this ruling came ten days after Spears was charged in a hit and run and for driving without a license.
