Talk:Jack Grimes continues White House run for United Fascist Union, talks to Wikinews

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Latest comment: 15 years ago by in topic Real enough to publish?
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Raw text


Please note that other texts were attached to the reply message; I've not bothered to post those here, as they are not relevant to the interview process. All interviews conducted by e-mail. -- Zanimum (talk) 14:07, 4 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Earlier in the year, I did a series of interviews with independent and

third-party candidates for the Presidential office, that ran on

Wikinews, a sister website of Wikipedia.

Now, I'm asking third party Presidential nominees and select

independents for their thoughts, in a shorter series of questions. We

will publish whatever you send to us, raw and unedited, and a link to

the article will appear in the Wikinews box, which appears on the

high-traffic Wikipedia article "United States presidential election,


The deadline for participation is November 3, however the sooner the

better, obviously. I prefer the response be from the presidential or

vice-presidential nominees, as opposed to campaign staff, but the

responses will be published no matter whom from the campaign replies.

Let me know if you have any questions or clarifications.

Best regards,

Nick Moreau


Why should Americans vote for you, your party, and your platform?

Fascism is the one economic system that's proven to work, and work well in country after country every time any nation has been fortunate enough to have a fascist head of state. Corporate Statism is the only economic system that has actually created ECONOMIC EQUALITY in all lands it's governed from Italy under our founder, Benito Mussolini, to Iraq, where Saddam Hussein was our head of state. If the Americans know what is good for them they had better put Jackson Grimes in the White House this time, and put an end to the shell game the political pigs in power now, are running on the masses.

Campaigns for all parties are reaching their final legs, as the

election nears. What are your plans for the next few months? How will


Mr. Grimes will continue to go anywhere that they pay him to be, in America & Canada. 0f course, we will continue to court the press with form letters, do interactive radio shows, create blogs, and do whatever is necessary to make sure Jackson Grimes becomes the next President of the United States of America.

If you aren't elected President in this election, can we expect to see

your return to the ballot in 2012?


If readers are interested in your campaign, in what ways can they get involved?

Write the....

United Fascist Union

P.O. Box 2209

Elkton, MD 21922-2209

Or call :( 410)398-2167

Abolish paper money


Does Grimes really want to abolish paper money? What substitute does he want for it?-- 00:33, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

"Establish a "Transferable Work Point Card" as an electronic credit and debit system which would bring about a cashless/checkless society." Says his website. -- Zanimum (talk) 18:20, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Peer review


Real enough to publish?


The are many small and minor party candidates, some of whom people dismiss because they don't have a chance. But Mr. Grimes doesn't even reach the lowest of standards.

  • It is not possible to vote for him
  • The domain for his campaign is:
  • Look at his official photo, what is he a Roman Centurion?
  • There is NO evidence that there is anyone in the United Fascist Union (which is a redundant name) besides Mr. Grimes himself.
  • The only thing that he seems to have done is a few goofy interviews

I submit that this guy is a joke if not a fraud and Wikinews lowers itself by publishing interviews with him. --SVTCobra 20:36, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

I agree with you, based on what I saw at the campaign website. Anonymous101talk 21:08, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
How is it not possible to vote for him? Don't you Americans (we Canadians have totally different system, so I haven't the foggiest) have a line where you can write in a candidate's name? I've always heard of people voting for Donald Duck, et al., as a protest vote. While there's apparently a way to be an official write-in name, which he doesn't appear to have pursued, he could indeed be written in, could he not? -- Zanimum (talk) 21:49, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
(Note, the possibility of being written in isn't enough in my mind to justify, or else I should be interviewing Donald Duck about the possibility of being elected, but since you can actually vote for him, and he is campaigning, the two elements together seem to be worth it.) -- Zanimum (talk) 21:51, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Z is correct. In America we can vote for anyone, even ourselves by writing in a name. I'm not saying that this guy is big time news - but whats wrong with interviewing independent candidates? --ShakataGaNai ^_^ 07:49, 7 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

I have to agree. Interviewing someone who has not qualified even as a write-in candidate in any State is really ridiculous. He is not a candidate for President since he has no possibility whatsoever of becoming President. I would argue that people who are not qualified to vote in enough States to receive 270 electoral votes should not be referred to as a "candidate for President." That, however, is an arguable point. Calling this a "published article" is only an impeachment of the publisher. 01:36, 13 September 2008 (UTC)Reply