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Does no one see that WBC is the good guy in this story?

Saying one is in favor of justice is saying nothing. Saying one is in favor of promoting justice is saying so nearly nothing that the difference is of little interest.

People with open minds can discuss issues with people of other schools of thought. The thing is, not all schools of thought cooperate. Some schools of thought are what one might call 'closed meme-sets', an interlocking net of ideas that ensnare their host (the person in whose mind the memes have entrenched themselves) by guiding their thinking into directions that will not dislodge the meme-set. Religions do this. So-called 'cult' religions are notorious for it (though one might say a religion is a cult with social respectability). Modern US extreme right-wing ideology has managed it too; while before the election liberals suspected conservatives of knowingly making up fake "facts", after the election it became apparent that conservatives had been unknowingly making up fake "facts".

Throughout history, some very intelligent people have been ensnared by closed meme-sets; it's that difficult to escape once one is caught. So I don't necessarily hold it against an individual that they have been ensnared.

Pi zero (talk)15:05, 22 December 2012

The fight for liberty and for justice is real for me. I am essentially under house arrest. The two year anniversary of my imprisonment is coming up on Jan. 14. I am a political prisoner in the United States. I am imprisoned because I am a speaker of unpopular ideas that threaten significant local economic interests. There is nothing abstract about my personal fight for liberty, and in particular the freedom to speak. I have announced to government that I intend to organize a lawful revolt and that I have chosen Mountain View, California to be the "viral insertion point".

Your intelligent post pleases me, but I think that you overestimate the ability of any human being to escape the "school of thought" effect. In particular, your insinuation that I am ensnared but that you are not makes me chuckle.

Pi zero, don't weasel out of my question. Do you stand for liberty? In particular, do you stand for the freedom to speak? If you say, "no", I will not debate it. I just want to identify our common ground so that we can build a friendship upon it.

Wo'O Ideafarm (talk)16:36, 22 December 2012