Unmasking the Truth Behind IDF Reports – The World Must Recognize the Brutal Reality

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"there is no evidence that Hamas is hiding in children’s bedrooms. This claim is often used as a justification for the actions of the IDF" - There's more evidence for it than there is when Hamas says that Israel strikes a school or something. "Were there any Hamas operatives in those hospitals" - Yes, many. Hospitals and schools (and somewhat refugee camps) tend to have the most Hamas militants. "They have also bombed refugee camps. Is there evidence that Hamas groups were there?" - Yes. How could most hostages rescued have been held by Hamas there then, if nothing else? "You say they kill terrorists, and by terrorists, you mean Hamas, right" - Correct. "they’ve been collectively punishing the Gazan people for two decades, even before Hamas was there" - No, they haven't. But, it turns out that when you hide in a hospital and attack civilians (on both sides) from a hospital, sometimes innocents get killed when trying to get you out of that hospital. "This collective punishment has created immense suffering for the civilian population, turning daily life into a struggle for survival" - Unfortunately, yes, Hamas forcing civilians to be human shields has made life a struggle for survival. "Hamas emerged as a resistance movement to the Israeli invasion" - Israel withdrew in 2006, before Hamas existed. Then, Hamas attacked them in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, and then finally in 2023. At some point, they had enough and started liberating Gaza. You mixed up time here. "you fail to address the targeted gassing of civilians" - What targetted gassing. Haven't heard of this. "More than 40,000 people have been killed, most of whom are children and women, not Hamas operatives." - Even according to Hamas that many people haven't been killed. Also, Hamas inflates it's civilian casualties for PR. Also, Hamas disguises themselves as women and children. "You claimed there are no existing atrocities" - No, I stated a fact obvious to everyone not a far-left communist or a Muslim Jihadist. "Have you ever looked at the pro-Palestinian perspective" - Yes. I then found out that many of there claims were nonsense. Like for example Hamas blamed Israel for striking a hospital and killing 500, when in fact they intentionally struck there own hospital for PR. "they claimed children were beheaded, but where are the photos, the footage, the videos" - Look up the October 7 footage. Watch it in full, please. Then you'll understand. "I’ve seen with my own eyes the beheaded babies in the Rafah refugee camp" - Those babies, at least many of them, were actually beheading my Hamas for PR. And also Rafah is a city, not a refugee camp. Eilat is just as much of an Israeli refugee camp. "You are blaming people who are fighting for their land and labeling them as terrorists" - People who murder civilians brutally on every side are terrorists. Also, its not their land. There was never a state called Palestine. Tell me, who was the leader of this Palestine before Arafat? "The people in Gaza are defending their homes and their lives against ongoing aggression and occupation" - Some of them are defending themselves from Hamas. Not enough. "It’s important to recognize their right to resist and not simply dismiss them as terrorists" - They're right to resist ends at rape, murder, and torture. "The real issue here is the collective punishment and the disproportionate response that affects countless innocent civilians" - Heres an unfortunate fact. The people of Gaza democratically elected Hamas. That means that (most of them) support Hamas. The Hamas terrorist does the bidding of the average Gazan. While I really don't think there is that much collective punishment, it's hardly unreasonable. Also, the response is not disproportionate. If you attack someone, they fight back. "if Hamas members were hiding in a hospital in Tel Aviv or in a children’s bedroom in Israel, would the Israeli military bomb the entire neighborhood to target those individuals" - Maybe. The IDF did accidently kill some Israelis when trying to drive Hamas out of it's territory on October 7. But, also, consider this. As a democracy (like all democracies), the Israeli government cares more about what they're people think then what Gazan terrorists do. That's just how democracy works. "The methods and decisions in conflict zones need to be scrutinized for fairness and humanity" - Don't you think Israel does that? Do you know how many operations they've aborted to due risk to a few civilians? Countless. You just don't hear about them because they are less likely to get people to click on them. "Understanding these dynamics is crucial for any meaningful dialogue about peace and justice" - Yes, understanding why a terrorist organization is wrong and democracy is right isn't too hard though. Do you also think this about Al-Qaeda, that theyre innocent freedom fighters? ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Hamas are the same with slightly different targets. "We must focus on ending the oppression and finding paths to genuine peace and justice" - The only way to do so is by eliminateing Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and all other terror groups, as well as liberating Iran and returning the power back to the people of Iran. @004bvan:

Me Da Wikipedian (talk)15:26, 26 June 2024

First of all, you stated that Hamas hides in refugee camps, hospitals, and schools. You mentioned that most hostages rescued were held by Hamas in these locations. If this were true, the Israeli bombings on these refugee camps would have resulted in many Israeli hostages being killed. However, there haven't been reports of dead Israeli hostages in these bombed locations.

You also mentioned that Hamas hides in hospitals, and sometimes innocent people get killed in these attacks. However, they are not targeting hospitals for sympathy; they are targeting them because they believe Hamas militants are there.

I was really surprised when you said it is not their land and that there was never a state called Palestine. Palestine has existed long before 1932, and there is historical evidence of Palestinian passports from that time. Additionally, there was a Palestinian leader before Arafat named Yahya Hammouda.

You mentioned that some Gazans are defending themselves from Hamas, but no one is defending themselves from Hamas. The people of Gaza see Hamas as their resistance and their only way to end their suffering.

You said the right to resist ends at rape, murder, and torture. That's true, but why are Israelis there in the first place to get murdered, raped, or tortured? It’s not their place; it’s not their land. It’s like knocking on your neighbor's door, attacking him, and then calling him a terrorist when he fights back.

You stated that most people in Gaza democratically elected Hamas, implying they support Hamas. Yes, they do, because they see it as their only way to defend themselves against Israeli aggression.

When you said there isn’t much collective punishment, that’s a huge statement. In Gaza, people get water every 18 to 20 days, and according to international laws, every person should have at least 100 liters during these days. Israel provides only 80 liters. Isn’t that collective punishment?

You also claimed the response isn’t disproportionate. If Hamas members were hiding in Israel, Israel would never bomb an entire neighborhood. They would surgically remove these Hamas members. They can’t just bomb neighborhoods in other parts of the world as they do in Gaza, and the governments don’t hold them accountable, though the people around the world do.

You said the IDF accidentally killed some Israelis while trying to drive Hamas out of the territory on October 7th. They may have killed 1 or 2 Israelis, but not 40,000 by accident. This comparison is not valid.

No, I don't think the same about Al-Qaeda, because Al-Qaeda are not defending themselves. They are attacking other people based on their ideology.

You said justice is achieved by eliminating Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and other groups, and then liberating Iran and returning power to the people. Eliminating these groups might bring justice and freedom for Israeli people and those in power, but it won't bring justice for the Palestinians. Historically, eliminating resistance groups often leads to occupation and control over the land's wealth, as seen in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine.

You said there is no Palestine, and I counter that there is no Israel and no Israeli people. Most people in Israel are European, holding European passports and property in various European countries. Many Israeli leaders have fake names. Did you know about this?

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for any meaningful dialogue about peace and justice. We must focus on ending the oppression and finding paths to genuine peace and justice.

004bvan (talk)18:33, 26 June 2024

"the Israeli bombings on these refugee camps would have resulted in many Israeli hostages being killed" - No, because Israel does something Hamas has never done. Only target the terrorists. "there haven't been reports of dead Israeli hostages in these bombed locations" - Hamas doesn't report if a hostage dies and Israel generally doesn't publicly release where the dead hostages they find were found. "they are not targeting hospitals for sympathy; they are targeting them because they believe Hamas militants are there" - Hamas is targeting Hamas run hospitals because they believe that Hamas is in the hospital. That is ludicrous. Hamas isn't (usually) targeting itself. "Palestine has existed long before 1932" - Under what leader? What form of government? If this was really a state back then you would be able to answer that. "there was a Palestinian leader before Arafat named Yahya Hammouda" - Actually, I disagree but I think a reasonable case could be made. Fine. Who was before Ahmad Shukeiri in 1964 then? "It’s not their place; it’s not their land" - Even if this were true, these civilians were just trying to live there life. And what about a 9 month old who doesn't know what war or land is, who was brutally beheaded. Did he deserve it too? How about a 2 year tortured by Hamas in a tunnel? "no one is defending themselves from Hamas" - Some are, but I agree not enough. "It’s like knocking on your neighbor's door, attacking him, and then calling him a terrorist when he fights back" - Yeah, it is. Hamas broke through Israels door, raped his wife, murdered 1 of his children and took the other hostage to be tortured, and then when Israel fought back they were called the terrorists. Apt description. "Yes, they do, because they see it as their only way to defend themselves against Israeli aggression" - The best way to defend yourself from agression is too not attack others and provoke agression in response. "people get water every 18 to 20 days" - If so, every Gazan would be dead. Considering than even according to Hamas only 1.5% of the population has died, this evidently false. "every person should have at least 100 liters during these days" - No one needs 100 liters per day. "Israel provides only 80 liters" - Yeah, unfortunately a lot of the original aid is intercepted by hamas rather than given to the Gazan people. "If Hamas members were hiding in Israel, Israel would never bomb an entire neighborhood" - Unless Hamas had taken over the entire neighborhood and no one was there but Hamas. "They may have killed 1 or 2 Israelis, but not 40,000 by accident. This comparison is not valid" - Yes. Gaza is much more densly populated than some kibbutz near Gaza. Also, Hamas was more focused on killing civilians than using them as human shields. Also, a 1 hour long massacre is different than an 8 month long fight against terrorism. "because Al-Qaeda are not defending themselves. They are attacking other people based on their ideology" - Hamas is attacking Israel because they're Jewish and they think Muslim's should own the entire Middle East. Is that not attacking others based on ideology? "it won't bring justice for the Palestinians" - Justice has already been had. You know that as long as Israel's existed 70% of the land has gone to a Palestinian state:Jordan. Jordan is 90% Palestinian and was originally founded with the idea that the half called Israel would be a Jewish state and the half called Jordan (originally transjordan) would be a Muslim state. "eliminating resistance groups often leads to occupation and control over the land's wealth, as seen in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine" - Notice the pattern with all of these. These were places that a cowardly government didn't finish the job in and withdrew. If Israel actually keeps fighting rather than running away, it will be fine. "Most people in Israel are European, holding European passports and property in various European countries" - Actually, not a majority. And they only have them because around 50% of the country are refugess from European antisemitism. "Many Israeli leaders have fake names" - That's unrelated. What someone decides to name themselves does not make their country not a country. "Did you know about this" - Yes, I've done my research. You on the other hand... @004bvan:

Me Da Wikipedian (talk)21:25, 26 June 2024