No breast milk for adults!

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No breast milk for adults!

I think it's absolutely disgusting to eat human milk made ice- cream. We aren't in the Hannibal's age. Besides a possible disease that could be transmitted through the milk, it's also morally wrong because by nature that milk isn't made for consumption by adults. (talk)23:37, 5 March 2011

It's not just a matter of morality. Milk (esp. cow's: humans love them for some reason) is very unsuitable for adults' health.

Kayau (talk · contribs)16:05, 7 March 2011

It might be the case for you - but not for all adults.

Most mammals develop a lactose intolerance when they're weaned. A lot of humans, particularly caucasians, have evolved to still be able to properly digest milk. SO your generalisation is incorrect.

Brian McNeil / talk16:52, 7 March 2011

Very few humans have this property. In any case, milk causes calcium loss.

Kayau (talk · contribs)09:08, 27 March 2011

I see nothing wrong with this. YUCKK!! don't eat chocolate...its made from HORRIBLE UNNATURAL MILK!! (talk)22:44, 18 March 2011

Chocolate, unless it's clearly stated that it's natural etc (with proof!!!), should always be avoided. Many manufacturers (legally) add bug's insides in chocolate BTW (and I'm surprised why nobody finds it disgusting). I want to throw up whenever I smell it.

Kayau (talk · contribs)09:10, 27 March 2011