Comments from feedback form - ""This comes after the death of..."

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Or they were people who were shot because they grabbed a baseball bat when there were assault rifle armed soldiers falling from the sky above them. I mean really, if you saw that would you just give in and let them shoot you or would you do whatever possible to protect yourself. Maybe storming with helicopters and machine guns was the cause of the international incident.-- (talk) 00:06, 6 June 2010 (UTC) (talk)00:06, 6 June 2010

I'd just like to point out that five of the dead were shot in the back. Go ask Turkey.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)00:10, 6 June 2010

Shot in the back... right... think you can believe the turks? of coarse not. they as well as the rest of the so called pro-palestinian bleeding hearts are anti-semitic and determined to do all in their power to see Israel destroyed. Wake up! they are not the peace loving protectors of human rights they portray themselves to be. (talk)00:55, 6 June 2010

Oh please. You have the right to defend yourself against an illegal attack with the use of any force required for the situation. Not only that, but the if you fight back against legal self-defence - as the Israelis did - then you have murdered people.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)00:58, 6 June 2010

Have you stopped to ask yourself why similarly armed soldiers on the other 5 boats did NOT have to shoot anyone? Think about it. And in case you don't realize it, a baseball bat is a deadly weapon, don't think so? Let me hit you in the head with one then see if your opinion changes. (talk)03:23, 6 June 2010
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 10:56, 6 June 2010

In a hectic situation like that I don't know one person who wouldn't pick up whatever weapon they had available. It's natural instinct. Fight or flight response. You can choose to run away or fight back, even very basic organisms have it. When you're on a boat, fleeing is not a really good option, so fighting is. It's all very simple. You people act as if you'd do something different on that boat. They were shooting from the helicopters before they even got down to the ship, ask any of the reporters there. Even if you don't buy that, maybe coming with live weapons loaded was a bad idea. They could have used tear gas, ACTUAL rubber bullets (not steel bullets with 1mm rubber coating), signal flares, blank rounds, etc.

Yet, you still take the side of the assault rifle clad commandos with helicopters and claim that the guy fighting for his life at 4:30am at sea with a baseball bat or wooden stick is the oppressor. (talk)04:34, 6 June 2010

I'm extremely disappointed in both Israel and the U.S. for allowing this type of situation to fester and threaten what both sides have worked so hard and long for, at a high cost of lives and U.S. taxpayer dollars at a time when the working class in the U.S. is under so much distress. That idea has me leaning toward the Palestinians on this flotilla issue - for the first time in my life! I was a child but vividly remember when the 1972 Olympics were disrupted by PLO terrorists and I've been pro Israel ever since but this nonsense has to stop IMO - for Israel's benefit as well those Palestinians who are innocent by and large. If Israel doesn't try to bring an end to the suffering of innocent Palestinian people, many of whom are children, the goal of a secure homeland and world recognition seems moot in the bigger picture of life. A marginalized Israel, in the opinions of the American people, will be the result if this perception continues to build - worsened by the almost non-existent coverage of Rachel Corrie's death in 2003. A marginalized Israel, in terms of world opinion, would be very negative in the fight of terrorism for the West, Europe and Russia. Iran's nuclear pursuits are of utmost importance in this ongoing issue which will be undermined if people in other countries begin believing they are supporting State sponsored action that amounts to illegal activities which include the blockade of Gaza (which may be necessary for the safety of Israel) and murder.

GRTUD (talk)07:34, 6 June 2010

The Israelis first boarded with paintball guns loaded with pepper balls, essentially pepper spray, and handguns as a last resort, they only resorted to those after several Commandos had been seriously injured and their handguns taken and shot at Israelis. A second chopper dropped off more Commandos to relieve the ones who were under attack, this time armed with rifles. Watch the video, the "peace activists" are swinging flails before they are even on the boat. Tear gas is banned in armed conflict by the UN, so they could not use that, and flair guns can seriously burn someone, pepperballs were a better choice. The Israelis had every right under the law of the sea to inspect a vessel in a blockade zone, or that has the intentions of breaching the blockade.

CnrFallon (talk)19:15, 7 June 2010

Yes baseball bats are dangerous but how come that at the g8 protests rarely someone get killed? The violence there, and at football match in europe, is equal or even superior. There has been great incompetence from Israel to not send people who can handle riots without starting shooting Pasdaran style. (talk)11:28, 6 June 2010

Rarely gets killed? They showed so much restraint that they were sent in with paint ball guns and only sidearms as a last resort, how much more restraint do you want them to show?? People died on ONE of five boats. why? Because on that one boat, loaded with expired meds and camo fabric (Yeah, humanitarian aid, right!) they decided to provoke an incident, they don't give a rip about the people of Gaza, they wanted exactly what they got, they are on film proclaiming their desire for martyrdom. Well, they were obliged.

Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die I suppose. You don't meet force with like force, you meet force with greater force if you want to win, the Israeli's did that. Don't want to get shot? How about not attacking an armed soldier with a steel rod? That might be a great way not to get your melon popped with a 9mm bullet, you think?

They were warned, they were told to heave to, they were told they would be boarded and inspected, all they had to do was comply, they chose not to, they paid the price. Bummer, I don't feel sorry for them in the least. (talk)14:08, 6 June 2010

Your support for piracy and murder on the high seas is noted.

Brian McNeil / talk16:57, 6 June 2010

So your idea is that every time the police or the army confront riots they should start shooting people... I guess a lot of dictators or the regimes of XIX century europe agree with your view. By the way considering this as a "victory" for Israel is quite baffling. Thanks to their mismanagement of the situation they have walked in a shitstorm of public relations and alienated their first, most powerful and only allie in the muslim world. (talk)21:58, 6 June 2010

I was referring to the actions of the Israeli Navy. But, who am I to complain if your reading comprehension is poor?

Brian McNeil / talk22:29, 6 June 2010

And i was referring to! Oh well internet communication fails happen quite often. No offence taken on my part (talk)22:36, 6 June 2010

Argh! LiquidThreads is retarded :P

It gives me an alert that you have replied to me, when that is not the case.

Brian McNeil / talk23:23, 6 June 2010

"Let me hit you in the head with one then see if your opinion changes." I'm sure that would be lethal, although on the boat it wouldn't considering the soldiers had helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, flak jackets, and gloves. I'm pretty sure you can't beat someone to death if they have all that with even a metal baseball bat. Besides, they had guns, they could easily kill anyone holding a bat...which they did.

Besides, you just set up a great counterargument. "And in case you don't realize it, a gun is a deadly weapon, don't think so? Let me shoot you in the head, or chest, or foot, or hand with one then see if your opinion changes." -- (talk) 01:22, 7 June 2010 (UTC) (talk)01:22, 7 June 2010

I saw the video, they were hitting them before they were even on board, hitting them on the boats and fast roping down. (talk)19:00, 7 June 2010