PCC promotes new wave of attacks in Brazil

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Monday, July 24, 2006

The map shows the regions atacked by the gangs.

The criminal organization known as the PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital, Portuguese for First Command of the Capital City) is promoting a new wave of attacks against civil and authority targets in Brazil beginning early July. The main attacks are occurring in São Paulo state.

According to the Secretary of Public Security of São Paulo, from 22:00 of Tuesday (11, 01:00 Wednesdays UTC) until the beginning of the evening of Thursday(13), 102 criminal actions against a whole of 118 different targets have been carried out: 65 buses were put on fire, 16 banks, 2 supermarkets and several other buildings were shot or attacked with bombs. The attacks are occurring in the state's capital São Paulo and at least 18 cities of the interior.

The Secretary of Public Security of São Paulo reports 6 deaths among civilian and police officers.


(vídeo) PCC incendeia ônibus.
Brazilian gangs linked to PCC put a bus on fire in Santa Bárbara, 130km from São Paulo. Images from Alessandro Araújo (O Liberal - Americana). Reference: Marcos Brogna's Blog.