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Talk:Hamas fires rockets at Tel Aviv

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Latest comment: 8 months ago by Bddpaux in topic Sources



I couldn't find the following in the sources:

I'm not sure about using WaPo as a source due to the paywall, though I am able to access the article without a subscription. I also don't see that it is used by the article. We need to use sources that we cite, per WN:SOURCEMichael.C.Wright (Talk/Published) 15:47, 28 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

@Bddpaux:, you're not concerned about this unsourced material or did I overlook it in the sources? Michael.C.Wright (Talk/Published) 19:05, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Oh, I have an array of concerns about a broad swathe of things... but I like to keep it rolling. In terms of your favorite hobby of 'post-review reviewing' -- I will admit that many of these articles, where there is a TSUNAMI of source articles....you often have to watch those the most carefully. It is a deeply bizarre pathology that has made its way onto our shores in recent months. Why in the name of Holy Margaret do so many of our new contributors have a love affair with stacking up source articles? And: do a correction or whatevs -- it's fine. Do it. I'm tired.--Bddpaux (talk) 20:09, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
And one more bit in the furthermore arena: It did, as I reviewed it, slightly smack of 'Those are the bad guys and we are totally the good guys.' -- which has been,for years around here, a hard-to-deal-with issue in terms of Neutrality. Dealing with this WHOLE TOPIC, from a Reviewer stand point smacks of trying to navigate a barrage of artillery.--Bddpaux (talk) 20:18, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Regarding my 'favorite hobby of post-review-review,' I didn't realize it had risen to a level of being named. If anything, I'm more interested in a process of {{pre-review}} right now. My original question above was intended for me to learn the reviewing ropes, not calling anyone out for anything. I did go through each source specifically searching for the statements but I did not read them all word-for-word. I was genuinely asking for how you determined it was okay to publish, much like the question below to Heavy Water regarding concluding statements.
I will not be monkeying with a correction for this article for a number of reasons, not least of which is it didn't go well the first time I stepped my toes in something like that: [1]. —Michael.C.Wright (Talk/Published) 21:09, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Concluding statements


@Heavy Water, I seem to recall from one of my earlier articles that concluding statements were not part of Wikinews style. I can't find it though. Is the final sentence "This war has been ongoing since." okay here, or should we avoid statements like that? —Michael.C.Wright (Talk/Published) 15:47, 28 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

I don't see a style problem with it. But it does seem like stating the obvious. Heavy Water (talk) 06:18, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 4782597 [Passed]
