Not bad, just a few minor grammar errors.

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This is a wiki; we publish articles that are submitted and pass review. If you'd like to see different articles, read WN:Pillars of Wikinews writing, then WN:Writing an article, and for good measure WN:Style guide, and try your hand at submitting an article.

"members" after "crew" is what Language Log calls a "zombie rule". However, because this is a wiki, you have the ability to submit an edit to the article (since it's not yet in the fully protected archives).

Pi zero (talk)11:44, 13 March 2015

Sorry, I am new to wiki news. I thought I was commenting.

Samuel Alayev (talk)12:33, 13 March 2015

Certainly. Comments welcome. I also was just commenting. Truly, you're welcome to read up on how the project works, and take a stab at contributing.

Pi zero (talk)12:48, 13 March 2015

Oh. Okay, I'm an idiot. You have submitted an article. Now I see. Yes, this is the comments page, it's usually used for comments on the story covered by the article. For comments like grammatical criticisms, you want the collaboration page.

Pi zero (talk)13:01, 13 March 2015